Younger Justice part 3

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After a couple of minutes, the computer announced the arrival of Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Green Arrow. "The team is in the common room. I've worked out that we've been de-aged by about ten years. It also seems that unless we have a connection to someone we don't remember them. Robin only remembers Wally at the moment," Kaldur told them. 

"That means we have a three year old Robin on our hands that has a chance of not remembering us, right?" Flash asked.

Flash was first in and scanned the room. Robin was blushing madly as Artemis and M'gann sat on both sides of him, showing him papers. Connor was staring at the static and Wally was trying to tell the girls that Robin was going to cry if they blocked him off from him. "I'm telling you! He's gonna start crying!" Wally shouted glaring at them. 

"He's fine! Look he's not crying." M'gann replied. M'gann was quickly proven wrong when Robin started whimpering, tears falling down his red cheeks from embarrassment. "What did I tell you!" Wally glared at them as Flash walked into view. Wonder Woman ran into the room, 

"I heard whimpering, who's hurt?" she asked. Her eyes fell on a crying Robin and she quickly picked him up bridal style. "What did you do?" she asked Wally accusingly. 

"Don't look at me! They didn't listen," Wally told her. The girls looked down and she rolled her eyes. "It's alright mama Diana is here," Wonder Woman said soothingly. Robin stopped crying and snuggled up close to her. "You two apologize." 

"Sorry, Robin." They apologized in unison. Robin managed a smile to show forgiveness.

Green Arrow and Batman later joined. "How about we play a game whilst Batsy and I find something to reverse this?" Flash suggested. Wally and Artemis nodded excitedly.

"How about hide and seek?" Green Arrow announced. Most of them nodded whilst the Leaguers gave him a look. "Fine, but when you can't find Robin, don't come crying to us about it," Wonder Woman told him. "He's three, what's he gonna do?"

"Yeah, this might be the only time I get to win hide and seek with Robin around," Wally added. Wonder Woman set Robin down and he smiled happily at her. "Alright. I'll count," Green Arrow said. Then the children ran off in opposite directions.

Batman and Flash walked off, knowing the chaos that was going to come about because of the game. "He's so gonna lose Robin," Flash commented, smirking at the look Green Arrow would have when the inevitable happened. "I'll find him eventually. Hopefully, the team won't be too harsh on him when they're back to normal," Batman replied. 

"You kinda let Diana take over back there, don't you want to play with young Dickie? He lost his childhood once he saw them die, I would've thought you'd take advantage of him as a child again," Flash told him. 

"If Kaldur was correct, Robin will still have the memories since he was very close to his parents. There's no point," Batman stated. Flash sighed. 

"He's like you then. You both had no childhood," Flash replied. 

"You didn't either Barry." Barry rolled his eyes. 

"Bruce, I saw that when I was eleven. I didn't see her physically die just the remains. Unlike you two. You watched your parents die at the age of ten and he saw his parents die at eight. At least I had a few good years in," he explained. Batman sighed. 

"Let's just find a cure for this." Flash nodded and they continued to walk.

Suddenly, Batman's phone rang. He looked and saw it was Selina Kyle. "Selina, what's wrong? You never call me during the day," Batman greeted. 

"It's Robin, he's going to be kidnapped."

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