What if?

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I thought of this idea ages ago and found the WIP again so here it is!

*Please excuse mistakes I'll fix them when I've slept*





"You found this thing in Egypt?" Dick asked, inspecting a clear orb carefully.

"I bet he stole it," Tim commented from the computer. Jason had recently come back from a "bonding mission" with Damian. Considering nobody died, it was a great success. "Stole is such a harsh word. I prefer borrowing for an undetermined amount of time," Jason corrected. "Either way, I have no idea what this thing does. With our luck it's cursed." Dick sighed and placed the orb back down. Perhaps there was something online about this thing. Egypt was like a treasure hunter's playground, surely somebody else had found something similar. "I can't believe you stole this. We've talked about this sort of behaviour," Bruce scolded. They swore he was getting grey hairs with every interaction he had with them. Dick saw it the most since he'd been around Bruce the longest. Sometimes he didn't recognise the man. So much had happened between then and now and it showed. "Come on old man, it's just Egyptian junk."

"That's not the point! I'm taking this to the right authorities before you start something far beyond your comprehension." He snatched up the orb and tuned out all of the whinings that followed. "Sometimes I wish I never took you kids in."

Suddenly a bright flash came from the orb, making Bruce drop it. "You must've activated it," Damian stated. They weren't too panicked until Damian's hand faded away at an alarming rate. "What's going on?" he asked. Bruce didn't have an answer for him and, even if he had, he didn't have time. Damian had faded away too quickly. "That's not good," Tim stated. Then his arm started to do the same thing. He became panicked and clung onto Dick as though that would save him. The older had no idea what to do so he just held him until there was nothing left to hold. Bruce put the orb on the table in hopes that would slow down this process but it didn't. Next was Jason. "I've already lived longer than I thought I ever would," he sighed. "I accept this." He was calm on the outside but inside he was freaking out. Would he be brought back this time around or would he stay dead? He didn't want to wake up only to find that he was a decade older. In a matter of minutes, he was gone. "What did you do?" Dick asked through tears. Everyone was finally getting along enough to enjoy family things and now this was happening. "I don't know!" Bruce answered in a panic. All his kids were leaving him one by one. 

"Dad, I don't want to see my parents again. Not yet." Before Bruce could comfort his son, he was as good as gone.

Silence filled the cave, broken only by Bruce's rapid breath. "Would you like to see what your wish could do?" a loud female voice asked. Bruce whipped around, looking for the owner of the voice but there was no one there. It was just him. With nothing to lose, he said, "Yes."

Suddenly, he was no longer in a cave. He was in a temple on top of a mountain. In front of him were hundreds of people wearing dark clothes. They looked like they were sparring one another, each with a different type of weapon. "Where am I?" he muttered. Why did this place seem so familiar? "This is a temple run by the League of Assassins," the female voice answered. Again, there was no owner to the voice but that was the least of Bruce's problems. "Why am I here?" There was a loud metallic dong that brought his attention to a balcony above him. On the said balcony was a boy dressed in green robes with a sword by his side. He looked almost exactly like Damian only he had a long scar on his cheek. "To see your biological son, Damian." He couldn't believe how serious Damian looked. "Without you to take him in, he never learnt to care for his fellow humans. He's killed many times without the fear of disappointing you stopping him." The scar must be from a fight he barely won Bruce assumed.

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