really fucking short

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Look at my art^ I think I made Jason and Tim too pale.

The Teen Titans had just started watching a murder mystery when Robin sighed in annoyance. "What's with you?" Beast Boy asked.

"I know who did it," he answered, slumping back against the couch. 

"How? Have you seen this before?" Starfire inquired. 

"No, it's just completely obvious. Or at least it is when you've worked with Batman for years," he said. He got up but was quickly pulled down by Starfire. "Come on Star, there's no point in me staying," he insisted. "You promised to watch a movie with us. You said you wouldn't work tonight so you are staying," she replied. 


The movie ended and they were quite disappointed. It was terrible, almost as bad as M Night Shyamalan's version of the last airbender (I HAVE NOT FORGIVEN HIM FOR THAT MESS.) "That was bad," Starfire admitted. 

"That was as fun as watching your parents fall to their deaths in front of your very eyes," Robin added. They were silenced and just stared at him. "Too far?"

"Jesus fucking Christ yes that was too far," Cyborg replied.

"It wasn't an understatement though," Raven muttered.

I'm going on a mass editing spree so feel free to point stuff out so I can change it.

Just Robin one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now