How brave can a Robin be?

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Hi, a person who stumbled upon this dribble. Basically, I thought the ones I've done so far were a bit tame for my liking, assume what you like, so I wanted to go full on this time. And if you wanted to know how much thought went into this, I just thought Robin was probably raped at some point and this happened. That might be worrying, who knows really. Probably do a fluffy one after this to make up for it. I own nothing and watch out for mature language/ themes. 


Btw 'this is speaking on the mind link'

Batman had told them to keep an eye on each other due to the nature of this mission. The mission was to find a serial rapist who had raped and killed twenty teens in the last month. The team being teenagers made them the perfect target yet they were the only group with the time to catch him. Batman was taking a risk sending them out there and he would be lying if he said he didn't worry something would go wrong.

"Everyone has to be extremely careful on this mission. You stay together and bring him down together. Got it?" Batman asked in his usual stern voice. They nodded and went to get geared up for the mission. "Aqualad, a moment," he called out once Robin had left the room with most of the others. Kaldur turned and walked towards him nervously. "Is something amiss Batman?" he asked, concerned. The last time Batman pulled him to one side, he was told to leave Atlantis behind or leave the team. Not exactly what he wanted to hear before going on a mission. "I want an extra eye on Robin. Most of the victims have been on the lower end of the teen spectrum. Him being thirteen adds an extra risk," Batman explained. "I'm trusting you to protect him, your team and yourself. Do you understand?"

"I do sir. I'll make sure we all return safely," he responded. The older nodded and sent him on his way. This would be the ultimate test for the team. 

On the bio-ship, Robin was explaining the mission as Kid Flash flirted with Artemis. That wasn't anything new. "KF, it would be wise to listen to Robin," Aqualad warned from across the ship.

"Oh come on, we just need to find him and take him in," Kid Flash replied. 

"Actually it would be good to listen this time. We don't want anything to go wrong," Robin said.

"Have you dealt with people like this before?" Miss Martian asked.

"Unfortunately yes. These types of crimes are a regular thing in Gotham although usually not to this extent. I don't know about the other cities though. My experience is why I'm planned the mission alongside Batman whilst Aqualad leads us," he answered seriously. Robin had seen what this guy had done to teens like them and he wasn't going to let that happen to his friends. He'd gone over every detail and was careful with how it was structured. He needed to get this perfect. "Urghhhh fine I'll listen," Kid Flash whined.

They dropped off on the outskirts of the abandoned building that Batman had told them about. He and Robin had tracked the rapist there a few nights before. "Remember stay together. Is the mind-link up Miss M?" Robin asked. She nodded and they moved forward.

Even with all the preparations they had made, they were still separated. "Where are you all? I can't see you guys," Artemis asked. She'd lost sight of them when she perched herself on top of an old wall. Miss Martian was beside her panicking and not helping at all. The boys weren't answering them but they were boys right? They marched to the beat of their own drums half the time. "Kid Flash here. Where is everyone? Rob and Aqualad went off somewhere without Superboy and me," Kid Flash answered. Artemis gave a concerned look to Miss Martian before they saw a peculiar canister before them. They didn't have much time to register that it was knock out gas before they were asleep on the floor. Kid Flash and Superboy experienced the same thing along with Robin and Aqualad. Great.

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