Love you

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The team were on the bio-ship when Batman called Robin through his earpiece. "How's everything?" he asked. 

"Fine, we brought in the gang leader and police should be there soon. I'll have the reports to you then," Robin answered. 

"Great work Robin," Batman congratulated.

"Thanks, gotta go. Love you Tati," Robin hung up. The team stared at him. "What?" he asked. "You just said love you to Batman," Artemis told him. Robin's eyes widened.

"Rahat," he muttered.


Meanwhile at the Watchtower

Batman put his son on speaker as he was doing things in his lab and couldn't spare the time to put in his communicator. Flash and Wonder Woman were there too, doing their bit to help. He asked about the mission and was happy to know it went smoothly. "Great work Robin," he said with a ghost of a smile. "Thanks, gotta go. Love you Tati," Robin answered.

The heroes stopped what they did. "Oh my God he called you Tati and he said he loved you!" Flash fanboyed. "He, he hasn't called me Tati since he was 10," Batman stated. "He just calls me Bruce all the time."

"The team heard that as well! Oh my, that was adorable!" Wonder Woman exclaimed.

Sorry that was so short I just came up with the idea.

Just Robin one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang