Falling apart part 2

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Welp here it is part 2. Did I die? No, I'm only dead on the inside. Whoever thought GCSES should be done like this is a LITTLE FUCKER

After leaving Dick to his own devices, Bruce and Tim tried to quell Damian's rage over the matter. If he had it his way, Wally would be dead with his head on a spike as they spoke. "It's not right!" he exclaimed.  "Neither is killing him," Tim mumbled. He was just as upset as Damian but Wally wasn't worth the hassle of killing. No matter how many times he saw red just thinking about what he did, Tim couldn't bring himself to actually waste the time figuring out how to kill the speedster without getting into trouble. Bruce couldn't blame Damian for his violent stance on the subject. He was taught that way. Years of lessons from Dick and him combined wouldn't completely strip him of that mentality.  In a way, Damian showed his love through violence. His evidence being Damian beating the hell out of a random man that had catcalled Dick during the day. Call it what you will but to them it was love. "Damian, this is an adult matter," Bruce started. "Are you suggesting I'm too immature for this? Let me remind you it was me who confronted Grayson on his behaviour whilst this douche bag was away." He was quick to defend himself, they gave him that. "I'm not suggesting immaturity, I'm suggesting this isn't a matter you are capable of fully understanding," Bruce replied. The kid was smart for his age but intelligence in emotions wasn't exactly his strong suit. It wasn't a strong suit many had them had come to think of it.

The ensuing argument was stopped by Alfred announcing that dinner was ready. Bruce sent Tim to collect Dick from his room whilst he tried to calm Damian down. He couldn't trust the young teen to not grab a fork and seek vengeance for his brother's reputation. 

There was a knock on the door, shaking Dick of the thoughts that had paralyzed him for so long. He had cried himself into a senseless piece of meat a few hours ago, seeking anything to help but too tired to find it. His mind had been going through millions of the hypotheticals of that night. All of them making him feel even more used and played for a fool. He should've known things were going too well. He should've known things were going to mess up sooner or later. Yet he let himself get wrapped up in a domestic bliss that shouldn't have ever been in his grasp. One thought had been ruling his mind. The woman Wally slept with was someone he considered a sister. If it had been some stripper named Diamond who got a little too comfortable with Wally letting her, maybe it wouldn't sting so much. But it was Artemis. The universe sure did like to screw him over.

As though on autopilot, he got up from the bed and opened the door. He plastered a fake smile on his face in hopes it would get whoever was behind the door to leave him alone for another hour. The person at the door was Tim. Just seeing him brought Dick back to that moment of realisation and nausea. A feeling he would never let happen again. "Dinner's ready. We were wondering if you wanted to eat something, I know you haven't eaten today," Tim said. He had those pleading puppy dog eyes that even as an emotional wreck Dick's heart melted at. His first thought was to shrug it off and return to wallowing in his sorrows. Then his stomach rumbling brought about the second thought that said fuck it and join them. "It's not like I'm doing anything else. Sure," he answered, his voice painfully hoarse from the hours of concealed sobbing. Tim's eyes lit up at the response and he smiled comfortingly. Dick couldn't manage a smile back but appreciated the gesture.

It was clear that the family hadn't expected his appearance as both Bruce and Damian had to do a small double take. "Hey chum, how are you holding up?" Bruce asked. His voice was cautious, like a Chris Pratt's when he talked to the Raptors in Jurrasic World. Dick knew why he said it like that. When Dick got angry, he was like a volatile reaction just a few seconds away from exploding. And when he got really angry? Let's just say no vase is spared. Dick took a seat beside him and Damian. "Fine. Just a lot of feelings I guess," he muttered. He didn't have enough energy to make it louder than it was. They were understanding about that. "I will gladly gut West if that will aid in your healing process and restore your honour," Damian stated in the deadpan way that meant he wasn't joking. He may seem somewhat calm on the outside but inside he was dying to rip that man apart. A sad chuckle escaped Dick's lips; a ghost of his usual laugh. "That won't be necessary. If it was, I would've done it myself." That voice. That voice was just so devoid of the normal one that he almost sounded possessed. It made them uneasy, Tim going so far as to shuffle in his seat nervously. Dick seemed to notice the off tone and apologised under his breath, focusing his eyes on the cutlery placed on the table neatly.

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