Avengers? I know that bitch

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Peter returned to the kitchen shortly followed by Dick in his Robin costume. He said something about the science pun annoying him too much. "Peter said something about discussing our options," he said, leaning against the door frame with a calm expression. Tony and Bruce looked at one another, gulping a little and secretly hoping that the kid wouldn't faint again. "We've requested any insight we can get from Wakanda," Tony started then realised that Robin had no idea what the hell that place was. "Wakanda is an advanced civilisation that we're allies with. Anyway, they think that they could open up a portal but it would take years of trial and error to do," he finished. Robin frowned.

 "I'm not about to wait years to see my family again. Any other options?"

"An alien ship has been spotted near Earth and we think it's planning to land downtown. The technology on board may be advanced enough to open a portal to your dimension if we're lucky. Of course, we'd have to get on the ship and take what we can, that has its own dangers." Bruce explained. He brought a smile to Dick's face with that suggestion, making him stop leaning against the doorframe. "That'll work. I can get on the ship, hack into their main computer and take what we need," he thought aloud. "I've done something similar, although it was in a simulation but it was close enough to the real thing. Plus there should be a lot less death this time," he continued, rubbing his chin in thought. He shot them a smile when he felt the tension rise in the room. Failsafe was a whole other story he didn't want to get in to. "When are they due to land?"  A loud alarm gave him his answer and Tony pulled up a video leak of the ship releasing hoards of nasty looking aliens. "Now. Are you sure you're ready to fight?" Tony asked. Robin laughed at him. "They don't call me Boy Wonder for nothing."

Robin admittedly was a little too hungry for action when they arrived where the aliens landed. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his face when he stepped into the battlefield; feeling the wind from the ship hit him and make his cape flow. He had one goal. Get on the ship and get what he needed. He watched the team get to action and began to devise a plan to get onto the ship. They agreed that Robin would get on the ship, steal what he needed then they'd use what he got in the lab to get him home. Robin noticed a large opening in the ship half way through a flip to get away from aliens. At first, he had no idea how to get up there since his grappling hook was nowhere long enough to get him in there. Then he heard a roar and looked to where Bruce once stood. There was now a hulking giant in his place. "That'll do," he muttered. "What's the plan Rob?" Spider-Man asked. 

"Depending on the big guy, it's gonna involve me taking an impromptu flight." He could feel the hero's confusion through the comm unit. "Hey, Green Giant! You got a good aim?" he shouted.

"Me Hulk not Green Giant!" Hulk yelled in aggravation. 

"Alright Hulk, you got a good aim?" He nodded.

"What throw?"

"Me. I need to get up to that opening there. Preferably in one piece," Robin answered, pointing up to the gap in the ship. Hulk nodded, smiling at the prospect of hurtling this child so far into the sky. "You sure you want to go on your own?" Iron Man asked.

"I've done a lot more dangerous things on my own. Just keep them on the ground so I don't get abducted." Robin replied. He was then thrown through the air, barely reaching the entrance. "Good aim my arse," he muttered, clambering up into the ship. "I've got a better aim when I'm blindfolded."

Saving the rest of his grumbles for later, Robin walked around the ship trying to find a room that looked like it could offer some help. He stumbled across one room that fit the criteria and walked in. The room was full of wires and circuit boards of various colours. Robin crouched down to put in a USB to the super computer and brought up a holographic keyboard to hack his way through the files. He didn't bother decoding yet as it would use up valuable time. "How long will it take you?" Spider-Man asked nervously. 

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