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Can not think of a title, sue me. So I was sitting staring at a wall and I was like oh what if I made that story I did about Roy, Dick and Wally about my lil reverse Batfamily. I apologize for rehashing a story but I changed a couple of aspects *cough cough* I'm an unorginal piece of shit *cough cough*. Lemme know if I've done shit wrong Oki? Coz I'm tryna add TT here and I'm tryna figure out how it'll work. Just know the new 52 is the first group here and the og are the second. That makes sense right?

Renegade/ Damian: 18
Red Robin/ Tim: 16
Robin/ Dick: 10

Champion sums up Dick so much I really like it, might be a long one this time so sit back and enjoy.


Batman gathered Renegade, Red Robin and Robin in the Batcave. Tonight was the night that Renegade would lead a mission with his younger brothers. "If any major criminals turn up, you have to call me," Batman ordered. They nodded and Robin smiled widely at him. Batman gave him a small smile in return and Red Robin ruffled his hair. "Now go have fun," he added. Renegade rolled his eyes and got in his car with Robin. Red Robin got into his motorcycle and put a finger gun to his head, fake blowing his brains out. Batman sighed as he watched them leave, "Stay safe kids," he muttered.

As they drove, Renegade checked their comm units. "Can we all hear each other?" he asked getting a resounding 'yes' from the others. "We're going to a warehouse where a serial killer has been hiding out for a while. After that we go on patrol until four," he explained sternly. He had to prove himself to Batman and couldn't afford any screw ups. Silence followed.

The silence was broken by Robin, "You nervous?" he asked.

"No, why would I be?" Renegade asked defensively. Red Robin rolled his eyes,

 "Because you've never lead a team before in your life. And before you say you 'lead' the Teen Titans you didn't, Star did," Red Robin replied.

"I did lead that team. Then you came in and pushed me out!" Renegade yelled. 

"Oh so it's my fault you went running back to Gotham? Well I've got news for y-"

"We're not doing this again!" Robin interrupted, rubbing his temples and letting a small yawn slip. The older brothers glanced at each other, like they were voting on who would ask. "Are you alright Rob?" Red Robin asked. 

"Yeah, just night terrors again," Robin answered hoping this wouldn't be a subject of a long discussion on his mental health. "I thought your medication was supposed to be stopping those," Renegade commented. 

"They don't work so I stopped taking them and took up therapy with Rae and Black Canary. Even they said the pills won't do anything." he replied coldly. "I'm ten so stop treating me like I'm five."

They pulled up outside the warehouse and quickly found hiding spots. Nothing was happening so Red Robin turned his attention to Robin. "I heard you were becoming friends with Speedy and Kid Flash," he stated, hoping for a reaction. 

"Yeah, what of it?" Robin asked, looking through binoculars. 

"They're terrible influences, Kid Flash is impulsive and Speedy is impatient." Renegade answered. "So they're like you two?" Robin asked with a sly smile. They scowled at him.

"Just because you're a side-"

"If you say sidekick you're going off this roof, we prefer partners. They're good people, you're just overprotective." Robin said. Red Robin dropped the subject. 

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