Sickie Dickie

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That picture is fucking terrifying and I've legit seen dead bodies. And yes I'm proud I thought of this title. The song is one of my faves so check it out. Enjoy kiddos!

Dick woke up with a massive headache. He felt a churning feeling in his stomach and didn't want to move. Why was it so cold? "Master Richard it's time to.." Alfred's sentence trailed off when he saw the ten-year-old's face. He looked deathly pale and was shaking considerably. This was bad. Alfred and Bruce had to go out for two days! "I'm fine Alfred, honest." he lied. As Dick tried to get up, the room span forcing him back. "Really? You mustn't lie," Alfred  retorted. Dick groaned in response. "Symptoms?" 

"Headache, nausea, freezing and I really don't want to move," he listed. 

"I'll talk to Master Bruce, for now try to relax," Alfred told him. Dick nodded and closed his eyes again.

Bruce was in the Batcave, on facetime with the main Justice League members when Alfred came down with a worried expression. "What's wrong Alfred?" he asked.

"It appears that Master Richard is quite sick. We cannot cancel our plans and I fear he may be alone for two days if we don't get someone to look after him," Alfred explained.

"We could do it," Wonder Woman blurted out. 

"Yeah, it's no problem. A couple of us could go over and help," Flash added. 

"If you can that would be helpful," Bruce replied.

"Sure. Supey, me and Wonder Woman can go over." Flash suggested. Bruce nodded, along with the League members, in agreement. "Alright. Get here as soon as you can." Bruce replied as he turned off the communications. "Do you think they are capable of looking after him?" Alfred asked, uncertain. "Yes. If Dick wasn't sick then I'd have second thoughts but he can't exactly play hide and seek again." Bruce answered with a small laugh. Alfred rolled his eyes and attended to Dick.

After half an hour, Barry, Diana and Clark turned up. "We're heading out for two days so I trust you to take care of the place. At least one of you must stay here overnight in case Dick has a night terror. Even if he insists, do not let him out on patrol. He'll only get himself killed so two of you will have to go." Bruce explained. "Oh and if I find out that Dick has had to suffer more than he had to, there will be consequences." He added whilst walking out the door. They gulped in unison, fearing the worst from the man who knew how to take them all down. "He's upstairs in bed. I'm sure you'll be able to take care of him," Alfred told them. They nodded and watched him leave. "Well, let's get down to business," Barry stated, walking upstairs. The staircase was extravagant in every way along with the rest of the house. It made them rethink their housing choices. "This staircase is bigger than my apartment," Clark muttered, a little angrily. "

You're telling me. Dick was lucky to get a place like this to live," Barry added. 

"He was lucky to get any place to live." Diana murmured sadly.

They reached Dick's bedroom and opened his door. His room was large and painted a red color. There were toys neatly lined up on cabinets and clothes away in draws. In the four poster bed was Dick, trembling and curled up. "Hey buddy," Barry greeted, sitting beside him. 

"Hi, Unchi Barry. What're you doing here?" he asked, curling up even more. 

"We're looking after you whilst Bruce and Alfred are away," Diana responded. 

"Oh, okay. Could one of you do me a favor and get some painkillers?" he asked. Barry nodded and dashed downstairs, returning a few seconds later with them and a glass of water. "Thanks. I don't think I need you guys here though. I'm fine on my own." he said before swallowing the white pills. "Dickie, you mustn't act like that. You could get into trouble if this was something more serious," Diana warned. 

"You sound like them," Dick chuckled. 

"Wanna watch some TV?" Barry suggested. Dick nodded excitedly.

Timeskip because I'm a badass like that...

Night soon came and Dick sighed. He didn't want to go on patrol but something told him he had to. Diana, Barry and Clark had all fallen asleep an hour ago, most likely due to boredom or late night hero work. How these people had jobs bewildered him. Dick snuck out from under Barry's protective arm and went to the Batcave. His vision had a slight spin to it but he ignored it as well as ignoring the nauseous feeling he was getting. He got on his Robin suit, leaving a note for the heroes so they wouldn't freak out when they couldn't find him, and went on patrol. What could go wrong? Barry woke up and suddenly became aware that Dick wasn't under is arm nor was the sun up. Putting two and two together, he began to freak out. "Guys! Dick's gone on patrol!" he shouted, waking them instantly. "What?" Diana asked in confusion. "Dick's gone on patrol!" he repeated. "I'm sure he hasn't left yet. We'll just check the Batcave and he'll be there," Clark told him.

They raced to the Batcave and only found a note left by their little bird. "Dear Unchi's and Tante, I've gone out on patrol for a bit. Will be back at one due to not feeling astorous. Don't freak out. Love, Dick," Diana read aloud. 

"Oh God! We need to get out there now! What if Penguin got him? What if Scarecrow got him? What if-"

"Barry, calm down! Panicking won't find him. Bruce probably has a tracker in his suit. All we need to do is check that and follow him." Clark interrupted. 

"Yeah, we'll find him soon enough." They logged onto the Batcomputer and found his tracker. He was slowly moving from roof to roof. "Can we get footage?" Barry asked, getting into his Flash uniform. "Yeah I think so." Diana replied. She pressed on a few keys and CCTV footage came up. Robin was leaning against the edge, holding his head and wincing. "You two go get him. I'll stay here and update you if anything happens." Diana announced, handing them earpieces. They nodded and ran out.

They found Robin but he wasn't alone this time. "Guys, I have three men behind Robin. He doesn't seem to know they're there," Diana informed them. Superman took lead and picked up Robin whilst Flash appeared behind the bad guys. "You should be ashamed of yourselves. Picking on a kid," Flash scolded.

"We don't want any trouble. We-we'll go just don't hurt us," the main man replied. 

"Beat it." The men ran off like little girls. Flash turned his attention to Robin who was being cradled in Superman's arms. He was paler than before and on the verge of passing out. "What were you thinking?" Flash asked worriedly.

"Needed to." Robin answered tiredly. 

"We should get him back, he's not looking too good," Superman suggested. 

"Not feeling too good either." Robin joked. They both rolled their eyes. This kid was something.


"Hi to you too," he replied. 

"Dick, you know you shouldn't have gone out. That was dangerous," Clark told him sternly. 

"I'm dangerous," Dick retorted. Barry let a small smile slip then straightened up after a few glares. "Come on. The job is dangerous and I needed to do patrol. Bruce would do the same thing," he added. Unfortunately he was right. Bruce would go out even if he had vertigo. 

"Yes he would but he'd at least tell us. What would've happened if we didn't find you? Those men would've hurt you," Diana replied. Dick shrugged tiredly. 

"Who's gonna do it now?" he slurred. 

"Barry and I are. You're going to bed," Clark answered. Dick nodded and fell asleep. 

"He'll be a great hero," Barry muttered with a smile. Even at such a young age he was putting everyone's safety before his. It was quite special. "He is a hero. Now go out and protect the city," Diana corrected taking Dick to bed.

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