7th day of Christmas

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Warning kiddos, this is a smut. I wonder who coined the term smut? Anyways, Birdflash and I'm gonna try to make it realistic. Emphasis on try. So enjoy this smut. Yes they two consenting adults

Teen Titan tower was quiet and desolate except for Robin. The team had decided to force him to have a night off whilst they did patrol around the city. As Robin didn't want to be alone, he called Wally and got him to come over with the simple sentence of "I'm home alone."

Robin was watching TV when he heard a knock at the door. He jumped up like an excited school girl but quickly composed himself and opened the door. "Hi Wally," he greeted, letting the ginger in. He smiled at him and pecked Robin on the cheek. "So, you're home alone?" Wally asked with a mischievous grin. Robin nodded then walked him to the living room. "When do the team come back?" he asked as he sat beside Robin. 

"They'll be back at 4am, why?" Robin replied. He was answered with a smirk that made his face go bright red. "I've got an idea of how we can pass the time," Wally told him. 

"Oh yeah? And what does that in-tale?" Wally took of Robin's mask, revealing bright blue eyes. 

"I think you know, it involves a bedroom and lube," he said. Dick giggled a little at the thought then wrapped his arms around Wally's neck. "Have you done it before?" Wally nodded. 

"Have you?" Dick shook his head and bit his lip nervously. "That's great, I get to be your first and top." Dick giggled again and kissed Wally. The ginger deepened the kiss and picked up the younger. "Shall we?" 

"As long as you're not too rough, yes." They shared a smirk as Wally walked to Dick's bedroom.

He laid Dick on the bed and began removing his own clothes, Dick following suit. Wally could only smile at Dick trying to cover his growing bulge as well as his scar filled body. He knew he was pretty self conscious with all his scars but Wally liked them. Each one told its own story which was kinda poetic in a weird way. "Someone's getting excited~" Wally cooed. Dick scoffed, "Could say the same for you speedster." He climbed onto the bed and straddled Dick. Dick looked up at him, blushing madly. He smirked. He went straight for his lips and kissed them hungrily. Dick had no objection and kissed back. Wally licked his bottom lip for entry and he allowed it. His tongue explored the mouth he already knew so well already. He started to grind against Dick's crotch, earning a small moan from the younger of the pair. They pulled apart,"I'll make that  louder tonight~" Wally whispered in his ear seductively. He slowly kissed along Dick's jaw and down his neck, sucking and lightly biting down on the younger's sweet spot. Wally's hand slowly reached down Dick's stomach and to the top of his boxers. He slipped his hand under his boxers.

Unsurprisingly, Dick was hard, his member twitching wildly. He pulled off the Boy Wonder's boxers. Dick shivered a little from the sudden cold but enjoyed where this was going. "Well you earned the name Boy Wonder. Boy wonder how big this dick is," Wally joked.

"Ruining the moment Wally," Dick said through a small laugh. 

"I couldn't resist it." He moved down to his member with a evil smirk painted across his face. Wally wasted no time putting Dick's erect penis in his mouth, his tongue making its way up and down his shaft. "W-Wally~" he moaned. Wally felt his own penis get hard and used his other hand to gently pleasure himself. "Was that fun?" he whispered into Dick's ear, feeling pre-cum drip down his hand. Dick bit his lip and nodded. "Good. I can move on~" he replied. He pulled his hand out and looked around the room. "Erm, lube?" He asked. Dick pulled out some blue lube earning a questionable look from Wally. "Star thought it was hand sanitizer when she bought it for me." Wally laughed a little and took off his boxers. Dick blushed madly. Wally positioned himself in between his legs and paused. "Are you sure you're ready? It's gonna hurt for a few moments before it gets better," Wally warned. 

"I'm sure I can handle it." Dick replied with a smile that made Wally's heart melt. He put his tip near Dick's entrance and smiled. "Ready babe?" he asked. Dick nodded and got ready.

Suddenly, Wally thrusted causing Dick to yelp loudly, the pain being all consuming. Wally looked at him worriedly as he took a few shaky breaths. "Ready?" he asked, willing to stop right there if Dick wanted to. Tears fell down Dick's face but he nodded. Wally smiled soothingly and slowly started to thrust in and out, feeling Dick's legs tighten around is waist. He messaged Dick's hips and thighs, easing some of the pain off. Dick tightened around his penis and he moaned quite loudly. Dick soon followed but his moans were louder. He was practically drowning in ecstasy. Wally moved forward and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips, thrusting harder. He was sure as hell he nearly hit Dick's prostate, then he'd really moan. His hand pumped Dick's shaft, making him moan through the kiss. "Wal-ly you're nearly t-there," Dick said between moans. Then Wally hit it. "Wally!" he yelled out in pleasure as he climaxed. Wally continued to hit that spot multiple times until he filled his lover up with cum.

Once he'd finished, he flopped beside Dick and kissed him tiredly. "That...was the best...sex I've ever had," he told him with shaky breaths. Dick smiled and blushed harshly. "Same here." They got under the covers and Dick rested his head on Wally's chest. "So, have fun being top?" he asked, drifting off to sleep. "A lot. I get a better view of your cute ass," he teased, getting a weak punch from Dick. "Love you Wally." It had slipped out and Dick blushed suddenly. Had he even said that before? Oh god. "Love you too Dickie," Wally replied, playing with Dick's raven black hair. They soon fell into a deep sleep.

In the morning

Robin limped into the kitchen area with Wally, the older's arm wrapped around his waist. He thought the team would be out. They weren't.

"Friend Robin, why are you wearing Friend Wally's shirt?" Starfire asked. Robin looked down and saw he was wearing a far too big Flash shirt whilst Wally was wearing a Flash hoodie. "Erm, well, you see," he stuttered, blushing violently. 

"Wally had sex with him last night. Their clothes were in too much of a mess to decipher which was his and which was Wally's so he wore the first thing he saw," Raven explained simply. Robin blushed harder as Cyborg and Beast Boy nearly cried with laughter at her bluntness. Starfire sat silently in confusion and Wally was pale. If Batman found out he'd be so screwed and if Flash found out...well that wouldn't be a problem, he'd probably give him a high five for hitting that. "Wow will you look at the time, gotta- go-make-sure-the-League-doesn't-know-I-was-here-last-night-bye!" he yelled running out faster than a bullet. There was some silence before Starfire popped up with "What's sex?" The team had never seen Robin disappear so fast.

How was that?

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