Robin has a nightmare

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Author's note: In this, the team know who Robin is but never really looked up his past. Just so ya don't get confused. Oh and I don't own Young Justice or anything to do with DC. If I owned YJ there would be more Robin and Rocket+Zatanna wouldn't have been introduced because, if I'm honest, they were only introduced as love interests for Robin and Kaldur. Now let's begin!  


When a storm rolls into New England and knocks out the Zetatube functions, the team is forced to stay in Mount Justice. Wally hated storms as it meant he had to stay inside and do nothing. It hadn't even been an hour before he started his horrid whining.

"I'm boorreeedd," he complained much to Artemis' disliking. 

"Run around the mountain then," she suggested, sharpening her arrows furiously. The storm had knocked out all electricity, leaving them with only the backup generator to give them light. No TV and no video games were taking their toll on Wally. "I've already done that eighteen times," he whined. She rolled her eyes and tried to ignore him. Why was he so annoying? Couldn't he busy himself with something far from her?

Kaldur was reading 'Peace and War' and Connor was sitting in silence, staring at a black TV screen. M'gann was reading her new recipe book Dick had bought her for Christmas and Dick was sorting out the generator which meant Wally couldn't bother his best friend to ease his boredom.  "When will Dick be back?" he asked slouching further on the couch. They shrugged their shoulders. "He's been down there for an hour," he added. 

"It takes a while to get the generator to make the oven and fridge work, Wally. Give him time," M'gann replied, trying to hide her annoyance. Even she was beginning to find him aggravating at this point.

A few minutes passed and the oven along with the fridge turned on. Dick came in with his iPod blasting My Chemical Romance. He seemed tired and sluggish, his posture slumped and his bright blue eyes dull. "Did it work?" he asked tiredly. M'gann went to check and nodded. He smiled and sat down next to Wally. "You look rough Dickie. Did you secretly go on a mission between there to here?" Wally joked. Dick laughed a little and shook his head. "

Just haven't been sleeping well lately," explained Dick briefly. 

"For how long?" Kaldur asked, putting his book down. 

"A couple of days after a run-in with the Joker. Honestly, I'm fine," he answered. They dropped the subject due to the Joker being involved. Villains in Gotham stayed in Gotham sorta like Las Vagas.

M'gann began baking cookies for everyone and Dick spaced out listening to The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance. Wally stared at him worriedly. He tapped Dick on the shoulder and smiled, "Are you alright? You look kinda depressed." This statement made the team stare at him as if he'd grown another leg. "Yeah yeah just thinking," he replied but something was off and Wally, being Wally, decided to press on. "What about?" he asked. Dick visibly shuffled in his seat. "Something." Was his ever so insightful reply. 

"Dick, does this have something to do with Joker?" Wally asked uncharacteristically sternly. The younger teen nodded reluctantly. "It came a little too close for my liking last week. That's all I have to say about it," he answered. There was something he clearly wanted to hide from them. "Drop it for now alright? I'm tired." Wally nodded and kept an eye on him all evening.

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