I sleep when they wake up

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It had been a week since Wally, Kaldur, Artemis, M'gann and Connor were put into comas. The mission had done this to them, Robin had done this to them. Let's start over, shall we?

The mission was to break into CADMUS and gather as much information as they could. Their new base had a simple layout so it was quite easy for Robin to get blueprints for the place. As soon as they got in all hell broke loose. They'd been expecting them and put up a strong fight but it wasn't enough. Kid Flash was the first to go down, which made Robin send out a distress signal, Artemis was next. Superboy and Aqualad began to retreat but they were down in seconds. M'gann went down trying to protect an unfocused Robin. Luckily, the Justice League saved Robin before he could be put into a coma like the others. He was shaking violently and wouldn't speak. The League knew he thought his friends had been killed. But they hadn't, they were "just in coma's" as Flash would put it. Yet Robin was still convinced death was upon them since his uncle died once he got out of his coma.

They brought the team back to the Mountain and began trying everything they could to wake them up. Martian Manhunter said they'd be awake between a week and four months. Robin tried to hide how broken he was but it was clear to the family of superheroes that he wasn't himself. He stayed in the medical bay all the time, only leaving to use the bathroom and shower. He gave up on eating and sleeping meaning he was growing weaker by the second. Once the first week was over, Batman, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter had to get Robin to sleep or eat so he wouldn't do damage to himself. That was a lot harder than expected.

Present time (no there are no presents)

Batman walked in and found Robin sitting on a chair, nervously watching his sleeping teammates. "Robin, I can't let this go on for any longer. You won't eat or sleep and you're going to kill yourself if I don't put a stop to it," Batman announced. Robin shook his head at him, not breaking eye contact with his team. "At least talk to me." It came out as a beg. Really, it was a beg. Robin had stayed silent for so long he was missing his son's stupid puns, his ruining of the English language and that cackle that made criminals shudder. Again, Robin shook his head.

Wonder Woman came in at this point. "Robin, you need to sleep and eat. How will the team feel if they wake up and found that you've starved yourself to death or you've gone crazy from sleep deprivation?" Robin shrugged. "You're not even talking to us anymore! Please just put yourself first for once in your life," Wonder Woman told him. 

"Leave me alone," the bird croaked, his voice cracking from not being used for a week. 

"No, we're getting you out of here now. Whether you like it or not," Batman said. And with that Wonder Woman tried to pick up Robin. Big mistake. Robin used the back of his chair to flip himself over and push Wonder Woman to the ground. Batman tried to punch him put was flung over his shoulder. "I sleep when they wake up!" he yelled. Wonder Woman got up and put her arms under his, lifting him up as he kicked. "Richard Grayson that is enough!" Batman yelled back. "Wait Robin is Richard Grayson?" Artemis asked.

They turned to see the team fully awake and staring at them. They noticed how thin and pale their youngest member looked. "Dick, have you been eating whilst we were out?" Wally asked, seeing no point in keeping his identity a secret. "No he hasn't, he hasn't slept either. I trained you to withstand two weeks of sleep deprivation but only four days of starvation," Batman told Dick, who didn't care. "Let me down!" he shouted. Wonder Woman did so and he ran to Wally's side, hugging him tightly. He was crying, allowing Wally to see how bad it'd been for him. Wally picked him up and put him on his lap, surprising the team. "What? He's the lightest person I've ever met, have you ever tried to pick him up?" he asked. They shook their heads and began to think about doing it themselves. "It's alright Dickie, everything's going to be fine now. How about we get something to eat? You're as thin as a pencil," Wally commented. Dick nodded but kept a tight hold on him. "You guys joining?" he asked. They nodded and got up. 

"Thanks, Wally," Wonder Woman mouthed. He smiled in appreciation and carried Dick out the room.

He sat Dick on a stool, surprising Martian Manhunter who hadn't been expecting the team to wake up so soon. "So what have you been doing?" M'gann asked Dick out of interest. "Erm, not much just looking after you guys 24/7 for the last week," he answered, wiping his tears away. The team stared at him. "You've not eaten or slept in a week?" they yelled. 

"He hasn't spoken either. We thought he'd become a mute like when he was smaller," Martian Manhunter added. Dick blushed a little in embarrassment. "Dude, never do that again! As soon as you eat you're going to bed." Wally ordered. Dick laughed a little. "Fine, I guess you all know my ID now?" They nodded. He took off his domino mask that had hid the bags under his sparkling blue eyes and smiled. "No need for this and the sunglasses around here then," he laughed. Wally rolled his eyes. "Time to fatten you up Dickie boy," he stated making them laugh. It was good to have his team back.

I think we all know what's coming next and if you don't then nobody tell em. That's all folks!

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