Angst for the sake of angst

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The title says it all really


Nightwing was invisible so to speak. The League knew where he was and what he did but they didn't see him. Reports came in from the crimes he had solved that week yet his presence at both the Watchtower and the Batcave diminished altogether. Bruce worried this was the beginning of losing Dick all over again. Everyone had some idea why this was happening. Wally West was gone and he wasn't coming back. It was clear that he hadn't taken the loss very well, not well at all. Those closest to him decided if he wasn't going to come to them, they'd come to him. 

Night fell and Nightwing was spying the streets of Bludhaven for any crime. It was a quiet night, much to his misfortune. He just wanted that bit of beatable action. The kind of action he could stop with a few good punches and a killer kick. He supposed the odd low in crime was because the word was going around about his crackdown and maybe those guys he hospitalised last week sent a message out. Who knows? "Quiet night isn't it?" he heard M'gann say. Wait. Why was M'gann in Bludhaven at three in the morning? He shot up and whipped around. The old team was there, standing just a few feet away from him. Even Artemis. He really didn't want to see her. Not after what happened. She probably wanted him dead after what happened to Wally. It was his fault after all. "Which means you're free to talk," M'gann added. At this point, Nightwing had two choices.

1) He could face the music and talk through his problems effectively or;

2) He could backflip off this building and keep running until they gave up chasing him

There was no real competition. Nightwing's eyes darted to the edge of the building, readying himself to throw himself off from it. "Richard don't you dare jump off this building," M'gann said sternly. Not five seconds later, he did just that. He jumped off the side of the building and began running harder than ever before. "He jumped off this building," the Martian stated exasperatedly, throwing her arms up in dismay.

Behind him, Nightwing could hear rapid footsteps which soon caught up with him. Was he losing his touch? Surely his head start would give a good distance between the team and him. "You really don't like talking huh?" That was Barry's voice. Nightwing's eyes widened and he was sure all the air was knocked out of him with just a sentence. Barry ran up in front of him, a triumphant smile on his face as he thought he finally stopped the chase. "I'll always outrun you," he stated. Nightwing knew that. It would be dumb to think that a normal human could outrun the Flash himself. Not even Wally could outrun him. Nonetheless, Nightwing picked up his speed and vaulted over the older. Once back on the ground, he knocked Flash's feet out from under him then shot a grappling hook up to another building. Judging by Flash's stubbornness, Nightwing guessed he'd have exactly five minutes to find where to hide from this chaotic intervention. He didn't take in what his fellow hero shouted at him when as he escaped to the next building. He was the reason his nephew wasn't here anymore. Why would Barry even want to look at him?

Nightwing almost collapsed from exhaustion when he got pulled to the top of the tall building. His breathing was laboured and his chest ached from gulping in oxygen. Yet his mind screamed at him to find just enough energy to escape from the other heroes. His mind repeated "other heroes." He didn't feel much like a hero. A hero would face this whole deal without the slightest bit of hesitance but here he was running away from his problems. Literally.

Someone's hand sprung in front of his vision, offering to help him up. "For fuck's sake," he muttered. Was he really important enough to have what felt like half the league after him? Must be a slow night where they lived. "Nice to see you too," Roy greeted. He dragged Nightwing to his feet. In response, Nightwing back-flipped away to put some distance between them. Quickly his mind searched for a way out. 4 minutes 35 seconds left to get off this building and somewhere far away from this place. "Long time no see," Roy commented. He didn't reply. "Silent treatment huh? I thought you were famous for your smart mouth." 4 minutes. Nightwing scanned Roy. No grappling hook, a few arrows in his quiver and his bow was on his back. That meant if Nightwing made a run for it, he couldn't stop him quickly enough. Great, now he just needed a place to go. The building they were on was much higher than those that surrounded it. If he was desperate, which he was, he could jump off the side and risk an injury landing on another rooftop. - "Dude come on. We've been friends since I first started the hero gig, you can talk to me."- Landing on the rooftop meant that he could go down to the alleyway and lose them through the converging streets. Of course, that risked running into a dead end. Then again there was always the sewer system. - "I miss Wally too, he was like a little brother and I know he was like a big brother to you." Roy's last sentence made the acrobat's heart clench painfully. This conversation was ending right this instant. He didn't want to hear him out. "I know what you're going through."

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