Robin's first night at the cave

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First off sorry for the Merlin thing but I found it really funny and wanted to share it. Back on track, so I was sitting in my bed like hmm summer holidays fun times, right? How about I stay up late and write? Might finish this in the morning but otherwise, this is a late night writing. So in this Robin stays his first night, has nervous feelings, leaguers stay and to put it simply nightmares and love pursue. Peace!

Dick sighed as he sat down to breakfast, dreading the night to come. Bruce being Bruce made it clear that Dick couldn't stay at the mansion alone whilst both he and Alfred were away. He'd been quick to protest but it fell upon deaf ears. "I don't wanna go. What if I have a night terror there? They won't know what to do!" Dick protested.

"Dinah and Barry are staying as well. You will be fine if anything happens," Bruce replied. He sighed and nodded. "Promise that they'll know what to do." Bruce almost laughed at Dick offering him his pinky to confirm the promise. "I promise. Now get your stuff ready and go over there. Training is on today." He nodded with a little smirk and ran to gather his things. "Still a child," Bruce mused to himself.

Batman and Robin appeared in the Zetatubes together, Robin holding a small duffel bag of things. Inside were his PJ's, toothbrush, civvies just in case, some pills that didn't even do their job at helping him sleep so he never took them but brought them to please Bruce, his iPod and earphones. Black Canary smiled at him and took the duffel bag to his room. "How're you feeling today?" Flash asked as he tussled Robin's hair. 

"Better knowing you and Dinah are staying the night," he replied. Flash smirked at him. 

"Are you suggesting I would leave Wally alone with two girls he refers to as 'hot chicks'?" Robin couldn't help but laugh awkwardly at the comment whilst Batman just glared at him. "You would've laughed if you weren't Batman right now." The Dark Knight scoffed and turned around. "I'll be back in a day or so, call if you need help." Flash saluted mockingly causing Robin to giggle.

They walked to the commons room where everyone was hanging around lazily, barely making an effort to greet him. "Did training start before I got here?" Robin asked. He heard Black Canary laugh behind him. "No, they just had to wake up early," she informed him with a smile. 

"How are you not tired?" Wally groaned. 

"I'm a bat we don't get tired." Flash grinned dismissively. 

"So it wasn't you who slept in Batman's lap on the ship back from Egypt?" Robin blushed. 

"I was nine! Let it go," he replied embarrassed. The team managed a sleepy laugh.

They trained for hours until Black Canary noticed it was 6 in the evening. "That's enough everyone. You've all earned free time for the rest of the evening," she announced. Wally cheered and raced to his bed to sleep early, which really meant he'd go to sleep for half an hour then wake up to eat and play video games. Kaldur went to the library, Connor and M'gann went to watch a movie that just came out and Artemis tagged along. Robin was the only one left who wanted to continue to train. "Come on, just a little longer," he pleaded knowing he would be bored without anything to do. "Fine, but I want nothing but hand to hand combat training, you need to polish up on that Barry," she said leaving the pair to it. 

"Do not!" Flash shouted.

"Do too Barry, I saw you fighting and you're awfully sloppy," Robin commented. He made sure the comment came out as smug as he could. "Oh, you're so going to get it now," Flash replied laughing. This earned a famous cackle from Robin and they began to fight.

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