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Dick stared straight at Bruce, anger clear in his eyes. He didn't want to do this in front of his brothers but Bruce had started it. "You can't be serious," he muttered, voice low. "

I am Richard. You're retired." There were a few gasps from his brothers. 

"Oh because I made one mistake?"

"A man died tonight! You played with his life!" Bruce shouted.

"I would've saved him if you hadn't gotten in the way like you always do!" Dick replied. "There is less blood on my hands than there is yours Bruce! If anything you should be retired you pitiful old man!" It was becoming too heated now and someone had to stop them. 

"Grayson, calm down," Damian spoke up. 

"No Damian I won't calm down! Bruce has ruined my life so many times because he thinks he knows best! Well you don't! That's why nearly all of us have died!"

The final straw had been pulled and Dick didn't see it coming. No one did. Bruce pulled back and punched Dick hard in the face. His son was sent flying onto his back. "Bruce!" Jason yelled. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he added as he went to pick up Dick but Dick pushed him away and stood up. He glared at Bruce, who was now realizing what he just did. His eye was already beginning to swell but it didn't hinder his glare. "I'm leaving." With that he left. Damian sprinted after him and Tim just stared at the blank space he once stood in. He'd never seen Dick so angry before. "No wonder we're all dying to get away from you," Jason muttered, walking away. Bruce was standing there, speechless. He just hit his own son, hit him so hard that he was already getting a black eye. Damian found Dick with an already packed back about to leave. "Grayson wait!" he exclaimed. Dick sighed and turned to his younger brother. 

"Damian, I have to go," he insisted. Damian had other ideas and grabbed onto his leg. 

"But I need you," he said. Dick's heart broke and tears began to let slip. He knelt down to Damian's eye level then pulled out an old Teen Titans communicator. "Only you and I have this. If you need me, you call. I will always answer. I love you Damian and I'm going to try to see you as much as I can. I'll still be Nightwing." Damian nodded and took the communicator. 

"Let the others know about it, I'm only peeved off with Batsy." He sighed and gave the younger a hug. "Goodbye Dami."

"Goodbye Grayson."

From that day, Damian made contact with him every day either to tell him how annoying Tim was or how well he did on a mission. Dick didn't mind though. Knowing Damian could still vent to him was the best part.

One night, Damian went to call Dick at the usual time. He got into bed and decided that his excuse to talk to Dick would be to complain about Jason making his clothes smell of cigarette smoke. He called. No answer. Instantly, worry washed over him. He called again. No answer. He turned on the news and watched the headlines. Nothing on Nightwing or Richard Grayson. Then he called again. "H-hello?" Dick answered. His voice was hoarse and sent a shiver of anxiety down Damian's back. "Grayson? Is there something wrong?" he asked quickly. 

"Do you know where Blüdhaven's old asylum is?" Damian hummed a yes. "I'm on its roof. I need you to bring a medical kit." 

"Should I get Father?" Damian asked, already running down the stairs to the cave. 

"You can do this by your-" Dick's speech tailed off and he could hear the communicator fall to the floor. "Grayson? Grayson!" Damian hated to admit it but by the sounds of it, he needed Bruce. He ran into the Cave with a terrified look on his face. "What's wrong?" Tim asked. 

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