C121 - Tested

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-Alex's point of view-

The way I was speaking didn't only feel unnatural, it was unnatural. For every second I stood watching Valerie in her despair, I wanted to change my wording to let her know what was truly going on. I gave her a warning, but once you're in shock it's easy to forget such details. I can't comfort her in any way now, nor can I show that I care. Xylan has put me up for a test and I could not afford to fail it. I couldn't let Jace become our leader just like that.

Jace took Valerie away, and it disgusted me to know I couldn't do anything. I was stuck outside, hearing her begging him to stop. "I'm pleasantly surprised, Alex," Xylan said. I closed my eyes as I leaned against the wall, ignoring what he said. "I honestly thought you had failed the same way Jace did. He was hysterical the day Xavier went through this, but you're handling it just fine. I'm guessing her pain threshold must be high as she's not used to anything like this. Not to mention it is Jace who is doing it and not you," he continued. I knew exactly what Xylan was doing. He was trying to get me to break, to give in and admit the truth, but he won't succeed. "Yeah, it must suck for her," I answered.

-Xavier's point of view-

Alex was allowed to enter a while after Jace was done. The second I saw his face, it reminded me of how Jace looked back when it all happened to me. The muted worried facial expression that he was trying to avoid. Naturally, he doesn't want Xylan to know of his dirty secret, his attraction to Valerie. I was only observing him from the corner for this particular moment, but it was pretty obvious to me anyway. He moved, but his sight didn't leave Valerie for a split second. She was asleep, tired out from the overwhelming feeling that the injection had caused her. I knew that feeling very well, and honestly, I would kill to avoid it. That damn injection was almost as bad as turning into a vampire. It isn't a «smooth» process like I've read online numerous times. I couldn't die and wake up as a vampire, that's not how it all went down. Turning into a vampire truly caused me the worst pain I had ever felt. 

Seeing Alex being so caring for a person was a bit strange to me. Most of the time I've been here, before Valerie came along, he spent his time trying to learn from Jace. He was so focused, so neutral to people, so much like Jace. Now he was standing beside Jace's bed, looking at her like she was the most precious person he had ever laid his eyes on. Quite obviously he knew just how much she wanted him there, but he never came. He stood outside the door with Xylan just listening to her in her misery. "At least you succeeded the task," I said. He swallowed oddly, looking up at me. "How long were you out when you took it?" he asked. "Some hours, but the feeling when you wake up isn't very pleasant. Too bad you can't be there with her, but don't worry, I'll stick around," I answered. He looked hesitant, but he knew me decently well by now. Deep down he knows what I'm like, and so does Jace.

-Valerie's point of view-

Brown eyes met mine the first time I opened my eyes, but it wasn't Alex's. They belonged to Xavier. I woke up feeling exhausted and with a stinging feeling. My eyes weren't very cooperative and kept shutting in the beginning. I quickly remembered I was in Jace's room, and I knew very well why. "Where's Alex?" I muttered. Xavier's facial expression softened, his lips parted, but he didn't say anything. I groaned as I tried to sit up, rapidly realizing I wouldn't succeed. "He can't be with you right now."

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