C71 - Stay

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Staying at the hotel was getting boring, therefore, I went out to check out some of the city. Although I didn't want to be reminded of Alex, I still wore his scarf. I've never really bought a scarf for myself, but that's because I've lived with Alex for so long and he has plenty.

Frost covered the grass, which caused faint sounds whenever people walked on it. Honestly, it was freezing here in Canada, however, it was enjoyable nevertheless.

The scarf was covering my nostrils and mouth. I was breathing inside the scars in hope to get some more heat, but the heat achievement was limited.

When the bus finally arrived, I walked over quickly. My walk was unsteady because of the icy surface, in fact, it was so unsteady that I almost slipped twice.

The bus driver asked where I was headed, and since I had no clue I ended up walking past him in awkward silence. Fortunately, he didn't say anything. He probably figured I was a tourist, or he simply didn't care where I was headed.

The majority of the seats were empty, and there were very few people on the bus. Actually, there were only four and they were all on their phones.

At first, I looked out the bus window, watching the scenery as we were driving. However, when a snowstorm occurred, the view was mostly blurred by the aggressive wind and snow. I slipped my hand down my pocket to bring out my phone, which was, of course, dead. I let out a sigh as I hopelessly looked down at my cold, dead phone. I hate it when my phone dies whenever it is cold... I mean, I'm freezing too, but come on.

Eventually, I put my phone back in my pocket and looked up to the side. Someone had entered and chose to sit down beside me. As I said, there weren't many on the bus, so I found it odd that he chose to sit here. He was wearing a black hoodie that prevented me from seeing his face. His hands were pale with very visible blue veins. He moved his shoulder and head, making a cracking sound. His head slightly turned in my direction, which made my pulse rise. Unfortunately, he stopped before I was able to see his face. Something about the way he acted made me feel like I knew this person, or that he knew I was curious about him. I increasingly became more worried as time passed, therefore I reached for the stop button. Unexpectedly, he grabbed my arm so that I couldn't press the button. "No, stay, Valerie."

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