C99 - I won't fail

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Of course, I started blurting out all kinds of words when hearing about Alexander. "Why would you trigger him in such risky situation, huh?" I asked frustratedly. He scoffed loudly, shaking his head as well: "First of all, I didn't trigger it, his ex did. Secondly, it's not my friend who's in danger, it's yours. So why would I care?"

I was beyond angry with Jace by now. He did nothing but go against me, but what else could I expect from such a cold-hearted person like him? "Alex," I paused, "Alexander is walking around in the castle, doing whatever he wants... yet here you are, doing nothing but to anger me," I said frustratedly. "Who are you to question me?" he asked angrily, moving closer. I looked down at my feet, seeing his move closer to me. "I was the one to teach Alex his ways, his evil ways. I have no intentions of making him change for your sake," he snickered. "Alright, but remember that Alex might be your bitch at the moment, but you, Jace, will be Alexander's bitch in the future."

My words angered Jace, but he couldn't do much, especially not now that Alex wasn't in his right state of mind. "Thanks for reminding me that Jace is the better version of me, Jayden was wrong about you," he scoffed, leaving me in his room. He remembers what he said about me? I wasn't aware of that...

Nikkie and Dane insisted in meeting me right away, they made it seem very urgent as well. I saw my chance is now, considering the fact that Alex doesn't give a fuck at the moment.

Carefully, I grabbed my blue coloured denim jacket and some white sneakers. I carried the sneakers in my hands to prevent an excessive amount of sound. The last thing I needed right now was Jace angrily chasing after me. I know Alex told me not to trust Dane, but I trust Nikkie, therefore I'm determinate that I have to go.

Jace didn't catch me sneaking out, nor did Alex, but I'm sure some other vampires must've seen me leave. However, they didn't say anything. They probably thought I was meant to leave. I just hope they won't tell Alex, I mean, Alexander.

I'd underrated the temperature outside. Apparently, it was below zero degrees outside. I pulled my jacket closer as an endeavour to get some heat. The frost was making crunching sounds beneath my shoes for each time I took another step. I really should've brought Alex's scarf and chosen some warmer clothes.

Dane apparently wanted for us to talk outside some small shopping center. They had dressed much warmer than me, and I knew the second I saw them that I would be the one to freeze my hands off.

The first thing Dane said was that my lips were purple. Of course, they are, they've been tormented by the cold air outside. "Just be quick, why did you guys need to speak to me in person?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking. Nikkie was looking at me with compassion all over her face. "Hayden's getting angry, furious, in fact," Dane told me. "Okay, and?" I raised an eyebrow. "And it's affecting me badly," he answered.

I wanted to sympathize with Dane, but I didn't see in which way I could help him. "You know as well as me that I can't release whoever is held hostage at Alex's place," I sighed. Dane frowned at Nikkie, seemingly confused about what I'd told him. "You don't know who Alex's ex is?" he stammered. I shook my head, moving my lower lip downwards in confusion. "Oh, God," Nikkie breathed through gritted teeth. "I'll tell you later, the important thing is that we need her back," Dane said. "I'm sure Alex and the others need Zane back too though," I argued. "We can't break Zane the way Alex can with her. Hayden's tried everything, but Zane won't say a word. Alex is too dangerous to be with her for this long," Dane said. I looked over at Nikkie, receiving a small shoulder shrug. Poor girl, she seems clueless. "I don't think Alex will hurt her," I answered, looking back at Dane. "He doesn't need to. All he needs to do is play mind games with her. Alex is, in fact, manipulative and he knows her," Dane said in a serious matter. "He knows me too and I'm perfectly fine," I pointed out. "Yeah, well, he did more with her during one year than he has with you during your five years," he answered. "Geez, that was harsh," I swallowed oddly.

Releasing Alex's ex would be difficult, and I couldn't do it without a returned favour. "If you let her go, I will free Zane," Dane offered. Nikkie rubbed her red hands, avoiding eye contact with any of us. "Does she know what she is?" I asked, ignoring his offer temporarily. "No," he answered shortly. She looked up with a confused facial expression. "Oh," I scratched my head. "Why? Does Alex?" Dane asked worriedly. "No, but Jace does," I responded. Dane's jaw dropped, his reaction saying more than his words. "I've made him promise to keep shut," I assured him. "It's Jace we're talking about! You can't trust him," Dane said stressfully. "Alex told me not to trust you, I still am," I argued. "In case you haven't noticed, Jace and I aren't the same at all." 

I'd forgotten about the coldness, but now I could feel my hands going numb. "I'll take your offer," I accepted, staring at my red hands. "You can't fuck this up, Valerie. I will let Zane go, meaning you have to let her go," Dane answered. "I will," I nodded, glancing at both of them. Nikkie looked at me worriedly, the crooks of her mouth were slightly moving downwards. "Please don't get caught, I miss my sister," she said softly. "Alex's ex is your sister?" I questioned. She nodded twice, confirming that she was. "I won't fail." 

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