C26 - Black Cat

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We reached the castle after a long and silenced car ride. "I didn't mean to infuriate or disappoint you," Xavier apologized. "Well, you failed," Alex answered shortly. Xavier seems to be a caring person, but now you could clearly see the anger in his eyes when Alex wouldn't accept his apology, though I'm not sure why Alex's approval is so important.

"Just go talk to your lonely cat, will you?" Alex suddenly said. A dark black cat walked up beside Xavier's feet, swirling his tail around one of his feet. Alex it didn't look too pleased with the cat, judging by his glares. "What's his name?" I asked Xavier. "Leo," he answered as he picked up the cat. "He's cute." As I said that, the cat's head in my direction, which was kinda creepy, yet just random. The cat tilted his head and kept looking directly at me, it was a very unpleasant feeling, but I'm guessing he's just not used to strangers. "You have to stay with those two, for now, I have to speak with Jace," Alex said. "Oh, Jace, the one you're trying to become?" I raised my eyebrows. I could see that I was provoking Alex, but he didn't say or do anything about it, he just left, once again.

Xavier was laying on his bed with Leo on top of him. It's clear to say that he shows much love for his cat, but then again, so would I in a place like this. "Looks like he likes you," I said as I sat down beside them. "He's a very old cat, which means he's been with me for quite some years. It would be weird if we never found the tone," he answered. "Oh, so you have a special bond with a cat?" I asked. "He's not a basic cat, okay? And no, I'm not a crazy cat guy." "Now what? Don't tell me he's a magic cat," I softly chuckled. Xavier shook his head with a small smile forming on his face.

Leo jumped off Xavier, giving him the opportunity to talk to me face to face again. "It's a bit odd though," he suddenly said. "What's odd? Can you be a bit more specific?" I asked. "Leo won't stop looking at you." "It's a cat, they stare at everything that is new," I shrugged my shoulders. "No, something's up." "But it's me that he's staring at? I haven't done anything wrong?" I pointed out. "Just... be careful in the upcoming time." "I'm always careful." "I'm serious, Valerie, watch out for yourself," he said, his voice sounding nothing but serious. Leo's eyes expanded each time he looked at me as if I was a threat to him or something, and it got me believing that something truly was wrong. 

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