C9 - Is Jace evil?

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I was getting tired of standing leaned against the cold car for what felt like ages. "Why're we outside the car instead of inside?" I asked, leaning my head back against the car door. "It's easier to run from the outside," he answered as he was looking around. "You think you can run faster than a car can drive?" I scoffed. He turned his head to me and just stared: "You have no clue." I couldn't keep my laugh back at how ridiculously cocky he was. "Whatever," he muttered.

I pulled up my sleeve a bit to check on the wounds, but then I remembered that I had covered them up for Alex's sake. "Take that bandage off and you'll get defenestrated," Jace threatened. "So it was you who wanted me to cover it up?" I scoffed as I dragged the sleeve back down. "I want something else from you, but I won't hurt Alex, so yes, it was me." "What do you want from me?" I question warily. He broke the eye contact and turned away from me. I could hear his chuckle, it was way darker than his average creepy ones. "Don't worry, Valerie. I won't do anything to you... as long as Alex is alive." 

It was at this point I was starting to speculate on the thought of Jace being evil. He's violent, that I know, but evil? The things he says, the way he acts, heck even his laugh all remind me of the typical evil bad guy stuff. He sets a perfect example at least. "Seems like I scared you, didn't I?" he stepped away from the car. "No," I lied. Of course, I got scared, for what I know, Alex could die where he is right now, and there's nothing I can do about it. "I can see why Alex has trust issues with me since I am who I am, and now I can see why he's starting to have seconds doubts about you, you liar." I was gonna answer, but I was cut off by Alex's voice: "We need to leave, now!"

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