C89 - Don't trust Dane

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I was mind blown after hearing about Jace's past as well as Alex's. Of course, I didn't expect it to be perfect, but I never expected it to be so dark. He didn't go into detail, which I fully respect, but from what I heard, it was bad. However, I was able to understand more now though. Alex and Alexander are like two different personalities it seems like, in which Alexander is the bad version. Seemingly, Jayden was like Alex, initially good, but with some bad intentions. I know very well that Alex and Jace are two completely different people, but what if Alex suddenly changes to Alexander permanently one day like Jace did?

My thoughts were blurred when falling asleep on the aeroplane. I was woken up by Alex's hand carefully nudging my shoulder. I groaned, struggling to open my eyes properly. "We're here," he said, slightly smiling. I leaned on his shoulder, hoping we would be the last to leave the aeroplane. That way, I would get to relax for a little longer. "Your hair looks like such a mess," Alex laughed weakly. "Hm?" I mumbled, closing my eyes. I could feel him fixing my hair, but I was too tired to bother thanking him.

In the car I kept glaring at Jace, thinking of all the things I'd heard during the flight. Has he really been a good person? Has he truly told Alex that he was lucky to be with me?

"Are you sure you will find the person?" Zane whispered to Xavier. "Alex and Jace know where she or he will be, but it will certainly be difficult, yes," Xavier whispered back. "I can hear you, you know," I pointed out. Both Zane and Xavier cast an unpleasant glare at me immediately. "Should I kill her now or later?" Zane asked, tilting his head to the side. Xavier nudged Zane's arm and shook his head. I moved closer to the car door, as far away from Zane as I possibly could. When I looked up, I saw that Jace was looking in the mirror, but I couldn't see his reflection at first... I narrowed my eyebrows, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with my eyesight. I could see Alex in the mirrors the whole time, for a brief moment, I couldn't see Jace in any of them. I must be going crazy... "Paranoid?" Xavier asked. "Hm?" I answered, moving my sight to him instead. His eyebrows were raised, so were Zane's. I shook my head, looking back at the front mirror. I gasped a bit too loudly when I saw Jace looking back at me. Xavier chuckled darkly when he seemed to realize what had happened. I held my hand over my heart and breathed heavier than usual. "What happened?" Alex asked. "Yeah, Valerie, what happened?" Jace asked. I still had eye contact with Jace in the mirror and it made me not want to answer. "Xavier accidentally touched her and it was too cold for her to handle," Zane lied. Jace kept looking at me in the mirror as if he was angry with me or something. I wanted to look away, but I didn't.

After what felt like ages of staring back at Jace, we finally arrived at Alex's place. The others went directly to their separate rooms, not even bothering to say anything. Alex and I, on the other hand, went to his.

It was silent for a while when we stayed in his room. He was fiddling with some books, moving them from place to place and checking them. On his bed were his red and black gloves, placed on top of each other. I leaned back in a chair in his room, waiting for him to speak. He slowed down when placing the final book on the bookshelf. I recognized the book, it was the one Xavier had pulled out earlier. I believe it is Alex's journal. "This doesn't contain decades of life events," he told me. He brought the book out instead of placing it back. It was a dusty, leather brown book with darker brown details that swirled up and down at its sides. "I'm only twenty-three years old," he proceeded. I cleared my throat and slightly narrowed my eyebrows. "But you're a vampire?" I pointed out. His finger traced down the book before he opened it on an exact page. "Yes, but I've only lived two years more than you have." I got up from the chair shortly and moved over to him with easy steps. "How?" I asked. "All vampires must be born in some year, right?" he shrugged his shoulders.

Alex's journal was held firmly in my hands as he was collecting something from his wardrobe. As much as I wanted to read what was written on the opened page, I didn't. "Curious, are we?" he chuckled. "I haven't read it, I swear," I answered in defence. "No worries, I know you haven't."

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