#83 - Tyler Seguin -#91 Dallas Stars

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"Tyler if you could please answer my calls that would be great." I sighed hanging up after the fiftieth voice mail I sent to Tyler, I walked around the house once again making sure that I checked every room. Tyler had yet to appear home from morning skate which had finished more than an hour ago. I pulled up Jamie's contact on my phone and hit call, it took a few rings before he answered.

"What's up Bubbles?" He asked using my nickname.

"Is Tyler with you?" I said chewing at my finger nails. There was silence then frantic noise coming from Jamie's end of the call, there came whispers before Jamie answered.

"No, he's not here." He told, I not believing it one bit.

"Are you sure? I heard him say he would head to yours after practice?" I lied.

"Really? Well he left early today, I haven't seen him since." Jamie answered, I gave a sigh and spoke.

"Thanks anyways Jams, let me know if he calls or turns up." I said before hanging up on him. I sat down on the couch and set my phone to the side, he's in for a right telling off when he gets home.

Tyler's PoV;

"Y/N's calling." Jamie said frantically as Y/N's number popped up on his phone, I looked down to his phone and then up to him.

"Shit um answer it, she'll get even more suspicious if you don't answer her." I told moving away from the banner, Jamie nodded.

"What's up Bubbles?" Jamie said as he answered, I stared at him as he gave me a shake of his head. His face went into shock as Y/N spoke to him, he looked up his eyes wide.

"She wants to know if you're here, what do I say?" He asked covering the phone with his hand.

"I dunno, say something." I said frantically moving back over to the banner and began to work on it.

"No he's not here." He answered, I gave him the thumbs up.

"Oh really? Well he left early today, I haven't seen him since." Jamie lied, I turned my head and gave him a look. Jamie shrugged, he said goodbye to Y/N and hung up.

"She doesn't believe me." He said putting his phone in his pocket.

"Well hurry up and help me get this finished quickly before she starts calling everyone." I told. Jamie got down beside me and picked up a paint brush, he began to work on the last word in the sentence.

Your PoV:

I was ready to get into the shower before my phone started to ring, I reached over and saw Jamie's number. I answered immediately.

"Can you meet me at AAC?" Jamie asked straight away. I was taken back at his demand.

"Yeah I gotta get cleaned up but yeah I can." I nodded heading over to the shower.

"OK hurry up." Jamie said and hang up the call. I pulled my phone away from my ear and stood looking at it for a few seconds, I sat my phone down on the counter before getting into the shower.

Tyler's PoV;

"OK is everything ready?" I asked walking towards Jamie and Jordie.

"Yeah the guys are coming down now." Jamie nodded putting the carpet down, Jordie beside him helping him lay it out.

"Great, give her a call now." I told walking over to Jamie and took his place. He pulled his phone out and rang Y/N, my heart began to speed up as I realized this is happening.

"Can you meet me at AAC?" Jamie asked instantly, I turned my attention to him and watched.

"OK hurry up." Jamie told before hanging up.

"She's coming." Jamie announced.

"OK, OK, this is happening." I addressed, nodding my head as my heart kept beating quickly.

Your PoV;

I pulled up in the car park of American Airlines Center, Jamie stood outside dressed in a suit and walked over to my car.

As I got out, he spoke. "Would you like to follow me Y/N."

"Um sure." I said locking the car, I shoved my keys into my bag and followed Jamie into the arena.

"If I ask what is happening will I get a proper answer? Or a lie?" I asked walking behind him.

"A lie unfortunately." Jamie told. I sighed and continued to follow him, he took me down the tunnel and out onto the ice. A red carpet was laid out to the center of the ice, Tyler stood there dressed in a suit. He turned round when he heard Jamie and I walk across the bench and onto the carpet, Jamie put his hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"Let me talk your bag." He said, I nodded and gave him my bag.

"You may go." He laughed nodding in Tyler's direction, I smiled and turned around to walk towards Tyler.

"So this is why you didn't turn up home." I said as I reached him, Tyler nodded and shrugged.

"I had a very important thing to attend too." Tyler told smiling at me, I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Boys." He shouted. I turned around and saw the team walked out of the tunnel holding a banner in their hands, they stood along the boards and let the banner unravel. I gasped when I saw the words, 'Will You Marry Me?' I turned back around to face Tyler, I stopped when I saw him down on my knee with a black velvet box in his hands.

"From the day I met I knew you would be the one I would ask to marry me. Four years we've been together and they have been the best four years of my life, you're the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing I think of at night. I wouldn't have asked for a better person than you to spend the rest of my life with, I love you now and I will continue to love you unconditionally. You're my best friend and I want to marry my best friend, I want to spend the rest of my life with my best friend-"

"Aw Tyler that's so sweet, you want to spend the rest of your life with me." Jamie spoke up, I couldn't help but laugh as tears streamed down my face. Tyler shook his head as he tried to keep his laughter in but he couldn't, and soon the whole arena was filled with laughter.

"What I'm trying to say is, will you marry me and become Mrs. Seguin?" Tyler asked looking up to me.

I didn't think twice about answering him. "Yes, a million times yes."

"She said yes!" Tyler shouted as he stood up. The guys cheered and clapped as Tyler put the ring on my finger, when he finished he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in to a huge embrace. The guys came up behind us and engulfed us in one giant group hug, Tyler's arms still around mine.

"I love you." He said over the cheering boys.

"I love you too." I smiled leaning my head against his chest.

"And love you all!" Jamie shouted.

A\N: Guys I saw Fantastic Beasts and holy crap it's so good! I wanna see it again.

I hope this was OK, someone requested this a while ago and I cannot remember who it was! But whoever requested it I hope you enjoyed it.


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