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A/N: This is my first song imagine so I apologize if it's absolutely crap, but I tried. You guys should listen to the song by the way, these guys are absolutely amazing and they aren't a huge band but I've seen these boys live and they should have so much more recognition!

Song: The Original Rudeboys - Blue Eyes.

Aarons PoV:

He buys you make up just to make up, it makes sense to break up and escape it look.

I have watched time and time again as he buys her unlimited amounts of cosmetics whenever he knows he's done something wrong. He only does this after they fight or when he hits her, and the worst part is that she accepts them every time he gives them to her. It is horrible how easily she accepts them, why does she constantly do this to herself?

The amount of times she has come to my apartment dead in the night crying her eyes out that she found him in bed with another woman is unreal. It happens almost every night and yet every time she will take him back when he comes crawling begging for her forgiveness. It is gross to watch, gross that my best friend is so vulnerable like this.

I keep telling her to break up with him, but she never does. She keeps going back to him and it hurts me. It hurts me because I'm in love with her and she doesn't see it. All she sees is the abusive boyfriend who buys are stuff because she's too kind, she's too nice to people and that's her downfall in her relationship with him.

I wish she would see how horrible he is. I wish she would stop accepting all the gifts he buys her after they fight. I wish she could see that I am the one who loves her more than this man she calls her boyfriend.

The way he leaves you in a state broken and bruised, you tell your mates that he's great, but they read the clues.

"Aaron, have you seen Y/N today?" Reilly asks walking into the locker room before morning practice begins. I look up from my hockey bag and shake my head at his words. We haven't been on speaking terms since the last time she showed up to my door dead in the night, she had found him drunk in bed with her best friend and asked to stay the night at mine. I told her that she needs to break up with him and yet again she didn't listen to my words, she went back to their shared apartment that night and I haven't seen her since.

"Dude, I think you should go see her, she's not looking so great right now. She called to mine last night and if you saw what state he left her in, god only knows what you would have done to him." Reilly tells throwing a bottle of water towards me. I catch it and look up at him not being phased by his words, but my heartstrings pulling when he mentioned my best friends' appearance.

I know what he can do to a person. I know what he has done to my darling friend and yet she still stays with him, she still refuses to break up with him even when he does this to her daily. She deserves a man who can treat her with respect, a man who can love her and not just have her around as something on his arm. She needs a man who will move mountains for her or die trying, not somebody who abuses her whenever they are bored.

I can be that man to her. I can be the one that who can take the pain away and protects her, cherishes her and loves her with every beat of their heart. Not that man who she calls her boyfriend right now, he does nothing but harm her and abuse her.

Why can't she see I'm in love with her?

Deeply in love with her.

He's taken years from your face, and the signs have showed that you were better than this, but still take the blows, a broken nose and a black eye.

As soon as practice finished, I rushed out to Y/N's apartment. Though we aren't on speaking terms now, I still need to be there for best friend and she is my best friend even if I never get the chance to date her.

I come to her front door and knock on it twice. A million thoughts race through my mind as I wait for her to open the door. It only took a couple of seconds before the door opened and her face comes into view.

"Aaron." She says as she puts her head down before I see the state of her face, but it is too late I see what he has done to her beautiful face. Her eyes, once beautiful blue eyes, are now dull and broken. Her left eye has a huge darkish purple bruise forming from where he laid his hands on her. Her lip has been busted and dry blood forms on it. He is dead the next time I see him.

"Darling, leave him. Please leave him, he doesn't deserve you at all." I plead grabbing her hands and gave them a shake to wake her senses up. She looks down at our hands and then back up to me, her blue eyes filling with tears.

"I did." She whispers softly.

"What?" I ask unsure of what I heard was true.

"I left him Aaron, I took up the courage and told him it is over and not to come back to me ever again or I will call the cops on him." She tells her body language changing into a strong figure, something I've never seen her do in all my years of knowing her, and I like it.

Don't ever let no man put his hands on ya, you're too good for that, don't ever stand for it.

"He didn't deserve you darling." I tell pulling her into a hug, my heart racing a mile a minute from her touch. If only she knew the affect, she has on me.

"I know, I deserve a man who'll never lay his hands on me. I'll never again date anyone who thinks it's OK to hit me, I'll stand up for myself." She nods her hands grabbing a fist full of my shirt as she pulls me closer to her. I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on top of her head, her head rests on my chest just above my heart.

"You're too good for me Aaron, after everything that's happened you still stick by my side. You're the best person on planet earth." She told pulling out of the hug but kept her hands on my arms. I give a smile to her. I stick by her side because I can't stand the way he treated her, I stuck by her side because I know one day, I'd be able to kiss her and know she's mine and only mine. She's the best person on planet earth, she's amazing and I couldn't wish for a better person to be in my life even if we never date.

Maybe I'll get my chance now. Maybe I'll get the chance to be able to call her my own. And if not, I am glad that, that man is no longer in her life anymore.

You've got your bright blue eyes on me when I hold you, you'll believe, that maybe one day you will see, oh that you're beautiful.

"You're so beautiful." I whisper playing with Y/N's hair as she lies across my chest. When she looks up all I can see is her blue eyes, those blues eyes that I first fell in love with, those blue eyes now filled with so much life than before. Her face is bright once again, her eyes shining, and she looks better than what she did when she was with him.

"Why thank you, you're not so bad yourself." She chuckles pushing herself up and kisses my forehead. Instantly my heart speeds up at her kiss, still the same feeling after the three years we've been together. Yeah, we got together in the end. A few weeks after she broke up with him, I plucked up the courage to ask her out on a date and I was shocked when she agreed to go on the date. And thankfully after that date we got together and have been together ever since.

"Hmm, I love you." I tell wrapping my arms around her body and pull her closer to me, not letting her go in case she slips through my fingers.

"I love you too." She mumbles pressing her lips onto mine. The feeling of love bursts through me, a feeling I've had when I'm with her every time she's near.

A/N: I know I said I wouldn't post for a couple of days but I got some spare time and was able to finish this! I hope you guys enjoy it, I enjoyed writing this one and I'm kinda proud of it!


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