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With Connor away to play for Team America in Russia, the house has been extremely quiet even with a puppy running around the house. The though quietness is calming and soothing, I still miss my overly excited and crazy boyfriend of two years. Most of our conversations now are taking place over Skype and that is where I find myself talking with him now.

I sit at the kitchen table in our small apartment in Glendale, my laptop is set up with Connor on the screen looking out at me. His smile is prominent on his lips, he rests his laptop on his stomach and each time he breaths it raises a little bit.

"How was the day off?" I ask Connor. He lifts his shoulder at my question.

"It was nice to relax for once. I finally got to walk around Saint Petersburg, I may come back as a holiday with you. How was your day?" Connor tells and I grin at his plan to go back with me. I was a little nervous at first when Connor told me that he was going to Russia to play, he had asked me to go with him, but it was during my finals and I couldn't go no matter how much I wanted to go. I had a most ludicrous fear that Connor would find some hot Russian girl while he is out in Russia and replace me with her, but that was just my anxiety talking. Connor promised me that he would Skype me every day before he went to bed, and every day on cue he calls me.

"My day has only begun, I only woke up about an hour ago." I laugh standing up from the table and grabbed myself a bowl and cereal. 

"Fine, OK. What are you going to do today?" Connor laughs as he re-corrects himself. I sit back down at the table and give my shoulders a shrug, I pour myself some cereal into a bowl.

"Well, my mother is coming in to town today so she wants me to show her around, we'll probably go for lunch, and then I was thinking of just chilling out and watch some TV with Jupiter." I say referring to our husky, Connor's eyes light up whenever I mentioned our new puppy.

"How is my little baby?" Connor smiles fixing himself in bed, he pushes himself up and leans back on his elbows.

"Annoying." I chuckle pouring milk into the bowl of cereal. Connor looks at me in shock at my words, but I laugh at him and shake my head.

"No, she's good a girl. She misses her daddy, like I do." I say shoving a large amount of cereal into my mouth, some milk dribbles over the edge of my lips and I let it continue running down my chin.

"Oh my gosh, you are the messiest eater I know." Connor exclaims loudly and it makes me laugh loudly at him.

"Shh, I'm hungry OK." I reply trying to defend my case and shove more cereal into my mouth. Connor sighs and shakes his head at me, but the smile on his lips never disappears.

"I love you, darling." Connor smiles at me, his grin making my heart do little back flips.

"I love you too, Connor." I tell and set my spoon back into the bowl. 

"I'll be home soon, another week if we make it to the finals, and then we can go on a proper holiday just the two of us. Maybe Hawaii or Australia, I know you've always wanted to see Sydney." Connor adds and I smile at him, he always knows how to make me smile even when we are miles away.

"That would be nice." I nod reaching forward and take a drink of my orange juice. We stay quiet for a while, no one saying anything as we enjoy the company of one another.

"I really miss you, babe." Connor says speaking up, his voice sends chills down my spine at the softness of it.

"I miss you too." I say taking a deep breath to stop myself from bursting into tears in front of Connor.

"You aren't crying? Are you, babe?" Connor asks gently making my eyes begin to gloss with tears again.

"No." I lie as a single tear rolls out of my eye and down my cheek. Connor pushes himself up and leans against the headboard, he pushes back some of his hair and I see the pain in his face.

"Are you?" I ask watching as Connor's eyes start to water in front of me.

"No." He mumbles silently, a tear escaping from his eyes.

"I think we're both lying." I chuckle wiping my eyes to stop myself from crying even more. 

"Maybe." Connor smiles running his hands across his face. I smile at my boyfriend and chuckle at him.

After another hour of talking together, yawns escaping from both of our mouths, and Connor starting to fall asleep in front of me, I know it is time that we sign off for today.

"I gotta go, babe. I can't keep my eyes open, I'll call you tomorrow, I promise." Connor tells sending me a weak smile. I give a slow nod at his words. I don't want him to go, I want to talk to him forever if I could, but I know it is time he signs off and sleeps.

"OK, have sweet dreams." I chuckle making Connor laugh a little.

"I'll dream of you." He says giving me a wink. I laugh at his horrible attempt to flirt with me, he doesn't need to do any of that anymore.

"Go and sleep, I love you." I say shaking my head at Connor, he grins at me knowing I am happy before he logs off.

"I love you too, babe. Have fun today, I will message you when I wake up." Connor says blowing a kiss through the screen, I blow one back before hitting the call end button on Skype. Just as I close my laptop down, Jupiter runs into the kitchen and jumps at me. I bend down and lift her onto my lap, I snuggle into her as I hold her close.

"He'll be home soon." I whisper rubbing her fur to calm me down. "It won't be long."

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