10 Facts About Me Tag

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Hello people! I have been tagged by Nike_6 to tell you guys 10 facts and me, myself and I. I'm not really tagging anyone but if you would like to do it go ahead, I find it fun to do this because it gives the readers a little bit of insight to the writers life and can easily communicate with the writer.

So without further or do, these are 10 facts;

1) I'm a historical freak. I love anything to do with history and yes it does sound pretty boring because it happened in the past but if you think about it, if the important events in the past didn't happen how different would our world be now? That's the history that I like, the what's ifs. I shall stop this now because you are possibly bored.

2) I'm a big New York Islanders fan, since I first started to enjoy watching hockey I have been an Islanders fan. Anders Lee is the best player, sorry to say, and my friends and family hate that I talk about him a lot. I'm not sorry😊 p.s he scored the winning goal tonight against the Penguins, I'm very happy right now.

3) I live in Calgary but I was born in Northern Ireland which is part of the United Kingdom (a lot of people don't know that😲). I am British-Canadian, and yes I do have an accent as I only moved to Canada in June of 2014!

4) I'm the biggest sports fan on the planet, I enjoy watching everything. My top 5 sports would be;
-Ice Hockey.
-Canadian Football.

5) My dream is to live in a Scandinavian country, I'm not fussy but I would love to either live in Sweden or Iceland. I love the history behind the Scandinavian countries, I'm also a huge lover of the Vikings and the history behind them.

6) Three words, Harry Potter Nerd! Obviously growing up in the UK Harry Potter is a big thing back there, it's almost a religion and I lived and breathed Harry Potter, I've all the books, the DVD's, scarves with the houses on them. When I was about 9 or 10 years old my parents got me a Harry Potter special made cake with the Hogwarts crest and I cried. I love the new movie, Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, I may or may not have seen it like five times already... I shall stop talking about Harry Potter before you all kill me.

7) I'm a Timmies lover, as every other Canadian person. I enjoy going to get a lovely hot chocolate (I can't drink coffee!) in the morning before school, it wakes me up and gives me the strength to partially deal with the idiots in my school.

8) I can't eat mushrooms, don't hate me! I can't stand eating them, I don't know why I just can't eat them.

9) I hate the sun, I'm a very winter person. I love the rain, here in Calgary our rainy months are mostly April through till August. Currently as I write this it's snowing here and I'm loving it, I can't wait to go to school tomorrow in the snow.

10) Just a little boring one here but I can ride a skateboard, I can ice skate and play a little hockey, and I can snowboard (season is starting yas!).

While I am here doing this I should take the time to thank every one of you who have taken your time to read this book of mine! I did not believe that this book would have gotten the reception that it is, I would have never imagined a book of mine getting so many reads. So thank you all, I know I say this a lot but I do appreciate it when you guys say amazing things towards my writing, I makes my day, honestly it does.


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