#184 - Corey Crawford - #50 Chicago Blackhawks

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A/N: Please read author's note at the end! It's very important.

I hear the coughing of my husband from the kitchen, he is upstairs in our bedroom. I sigh and fill up another hot mug of tea with lemon, he's already losing his voice because of the constant coughing. Once the tea is ready, I carry it up the stairs and into our bedroom to see Corey checking himself in the mirror with a suit on. I look to our bed and see our three year old son sitting there with his Crawford jersey on, he waves at me and I smile back before turning around to my husband.

"Where do you think you are going?" I ask setting the mug on the bedside table.

Corey sheepishly smiles at me. "I've a game to play tonight, I gave already Quenneville the all clear to play tonight."

"You're sick, Corey." I say walking over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. His nose and cheeks are flushed red, you can hear his chesty breath with each breath he takes. He isn't fit to play hockey tonight.

"But daddy has to play! He promised me he'd win tonight." Mason exclaims from his spot on the bed. Corey gives me another sheepish smile and I shake my head.

"You can hardly breath without coughing, how are you going to play three periods of hockey?" I ask stating my case. Corey shrugs in his answer.

"I'll be fine, I promise you I will be fine." Corey says turning around and rests his hands on my arms. I can only sigh at my husband, he's so stubborn.

"Can daddy play then?" Mason asks climbing off the bed and waddles towards us, his jersey hanging off him because it's so big.

"Yes." Corey says before I have a chance to disagree with our sons words. Corey looks to me with pleading eyes and I give in.

"Fine." I sigh, rolling my eyes when I see Corey grin widely at me before coughing loudly. I rush over and hand him the mug that is still warm to the touch, he gratefully takes it and lets a sigh escape him when the hot tea runs down the back of his throat.

"I really think you should stay in." I mutter as I grab my Crawford jersey.

"I will be fine, trust me darling." Corey tells as he tries to reassure me, but begins coughing once again. I throw him a sympathetic look and he waves his hand, his other hand covering his mouth while he coughs.

Half and hour later and the Crawford family are in the car heading to the United Center, I opted to drive instead of Corey because of his constant coughing. Each one of his coughs gets more violent and I am more than ready to turn the car around and take him back home. But we make it to the United Center and Corey gets out, his violent cough making me close my eyes. This stubborn husband of mine. He looks way worse than when we left the house, his face is becoming paler and beads of sweat form over his forehead. He really isn't fit enough to play hockey. 

I climb out of the car and help Mason out, he stands beside his father and holds his hand. I swear the two are alike, so similar that Mason is a mini double of Corey. Corey coughs into his inner elbow, his cough is chesty and I feel like knocking some sense into my husband.

"I know that look." Corey says in a raspy voice. I lock the car and hold onto Mason hand as we walk into the United Center.

"You're stupid, Corey." I say shaking my head at him. "I wish you could see how silly you are being."

"Darling, I will be fine! Plus, we're already here and it's too late to leave." Corey tells me. I sigh and say nothing until we stand outside the Blackhawks dressing room, Mason hugs his father goodbye and says good luck before letting me talk to him. I fold my arms across my chest and stare at him, I won't give up on trying to temp him back into that car and head home to a warm bed and hot soup.

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