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With Tyler gone on his road trip with the team, I have been able to catch up on reading the books I wanted to read while he was here but couldn't. It seems a bit weird to say that, but it is true. Whenever Tyler is home I am unable to read around him because of embarrassment and fear. Why would I say such a thing? Well it is because I have these huge ass glasses that I have a prescription to wear whenever I want to read anything, it's all down to those nights were I would constantly read without a lamp on to brighten up the pages. It's my own fault I wear these glasses and I've to live in fear that one day Tyler will see these glasses, the glasses I have yet to wear around him even though we've been together for nearly two years.

"When will you be home?" I asked pushing the glasses up onto the bridge of my nose as they kept falling down. A blanket is wrapped around my body and my book rests on my lap with my free hand keeping the page open.

"I should be home in about four/five hours, we're just getting on the plane now." Tyler said over the phone. I smiled at his response, in four hours I'll see the love of my life after being away for nearly a week. 

"OK, have a safe flight. I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." Tyler chuckled, his chuckle sending my emotions into overdrive.

"And I love you too Y/N." Tanner shouted over the phone.

"Y/N, I love you too!" Doughty's voice now came over the phone next

"We all love you." Kopi's voice shouted over everyone else's.

"OK boys, Y/N is mine. Back off." Tyler's voice came off strong and powerful, I couldn't help but laugh at him. If only I could have seen his face as he told the guys off.

"Tell the boys I love them too and I'll see them soon." I giggled flicking through the TV channels.

"Y/N says she loves you guys." Tyler shouted and in the background a few cheers and whoops came.

"OK I gotta go, I'll see you when I get home." Tyler laughed. We said our goodbyes and hung up, we'll be with each other in a few hours.

_ _ _ _ _

Tyler's PoV:

Our plane finally landed around three in the morning, most of the guys fell asleep during the journey home but I didn't. I am too excited to see Y/N again. Leaving for her alone for a week and not being able to see her or have her near me when we lost has been hard, but now that I'm home I can do all that with her.

"See ya Tans." I waved getting out of the car and pulled my gear out all with me. I pulled out the spare key from under the plant and opened the door, everything is quiet but the TV illuminates the living room and hallway. I walked around the couch, leaving all my belongings behind me and walked in front to find my beautiful girlfriend asleep on the couch. I smiled widely at the sight of her, the blanket pulled up to her neck, her book laying open against her chest and a pair of glasses rested on the bridge of her nose. She is beautiful.

"Ty, is that you?" She mumbled her nose scrunching up as I laid a little kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah, it's me baby." I whispered moving out so she could see my face.

"You're home early, I thought you weren't going to be home till later." Y/N said slowly pushing herself up, her elbow resting against the soft cushions to keep herself up right.

"Baby it's 3:30." I chuckled at her confused face.

"I fell asleep, didn't? I knew if I got comfy with this blanket I'd fall asleep." She sighed throwing the blanket off and sat up, she stretched out and put her hands up to where her glasses are. Immediately she let out a little squeal and pulled the off, hiding them in her sweats.

"What?" I asked in worry and pushed myself up.

"You saw me with my glasses on, I look hideous with them on." She mumbled looking to her hands. I let out a little laugh and used my finger to lift her head up.

"Honey you don't, you look beautiful like always." I told watching her eyes dart from mine and back to her hands.

"Really? You think I'm beautiful with these things on?" She asked pulling her glasses out of her pocket and held them in her hands.

"Without a doubt Y/N, you're are beautiful no matter what. With or without makeup, with or without your glasses, even when you have just woken up and have bed hair, you are still beautiful to me." Tears started to form in her gorgeous Y/E/C as I told her everything I love about her.

"I don't deserve you." She whispered looking at our hands.

"And I don't deserve you yet here we are." I chuckled brushing away a few tears that fell from her eyes.

"I love you Tyler Toffoli."

"I love you Y/N Y/L/N."

"I love you more Ty."


"Are we really going to fight about this?"


"I'm going to loss then."

"Hmm maybe."

"Shut up and kiss me you idiot."

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