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"Matt!" I called to my boyfriend who is in the kitchen. "Have you got the popcorn?"

"Yup, you've got the sweets, right?" He asked walking into the room and sat beside me, a few pieces of popcorn flew into the air as he did.

"All the goodness." I grinned pulling out unlimited bags of jellybeans, cola bottles and sour patch kids. Matt's eyes lit up in happiness as I laid out the sweets on the coffee table.

"What movie should we watch?" He asked grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoved it into his mouth.

"The Winter Solider!" I exclaimed jumping of the couch and grabbed the DVD, Matt let out a groan as I smiled widely at him with the DVD case close to my face.

"How many times have we watched that movie?" Matt said pushing himself up and walked over to our DVD shelf.

"Um, I don't know." I wondered taping the case against my chin as I thought, Matt turned around and laughed at me as I thought hard about his question.

"You see, we've watched it a million times you can literally recite every word in the movie." Matt chucked grabbing the case from my hand and put it back onto the shelf, I let out a little whine as he lifted out a movie that didn't contain Sebastian Stan in it.

"This is a good movie." Matt smiled turning the DVD case round and read the blurb on the back.

"It's more like 'lets give Y/N nightmares.'" I sassed walking over and stood beside Matt.

"I'll protect you from them." Matt laughed bending down and put the disk into the DVD player. I walked back over to the couch and plopped myself down, my face pouting at Matt in hopes he'll reconsider and put another movie besides the horror one he put in.

"Oh, my knight in shinning armour!" I said sarcastically putting my hand on my heart as Matt stood up, he walked back over to the couch and pulled me into his arms.

"I love you." Matt told leaning in and laid a gentle kiss on my forehead, I snuggled down further into his chest as the movie began.

_ _ _ _ _

"No!" I squealed diving my head underneath the blanket, Matt laughed as I wrapped my arms around his torso tighter.

"Come on Y/N, it's only a little jump scare." Matt said lifting my head out of the blanket, I looked up at him and shot him a glare before putting my head back onto his chest.

"Yeah to you maybe, but to me that's freaky." I whined my voice muffled by his shirt.

"Aw, is my sweetheart scared?" Matt asked twirling my hair in his fingers, I nodded not lifting my head from his chest.

"Well do you want to watch one of your movies then?" Matt said softly, his mouth close to my ear. I sat up quickly, forgetting that Matt hovered over me. The back of my head whacked Matt on his nose, making his nose bleed.

"Oh my gosh, Matt I am so sorry." I gasped grabbing a handful of tissues from the coffee table and put them up against his nose. Matt moved his hand away from his nose and immediately blood poured out.

"I'm such a terrible girlfriend." I groaned grabbing more tissues.

"Don't worry about it babe." Matt spoke taking the tissues out of my hand and put them against his nose.

"Still, I made your nose all weird and bleed." I pointed out using my index finger to indicate his nose which was out of shape.

"Battle wound." Matt laughed wiping away the rest of the blood.

"See all better!" Matt smiled moving the tissues away and the blood was all cleaned up.

"I still feel really bad, I damaged my boyfriend!"

"Don't worry Y/N it's easily healed and besides, I've had worse injuries."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, now let's get watch some Winter Solider." Matt smiled leaving over and kissed me on my forehead, I grinned as he stood up and put the movie in the DVD player.

"Sebastian Stan is hot, but you're hotter." I chuckled wrapping my arms around Matt's chest, he laughed deeply and lent his head against mine.

"Thank you." He smiled his arms making their way around my waist.

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