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"There you go, have a nice day." I smiled to the customer, she smiled in response and lifted her coffee and pastry before moving onto a table. I looked over to the next customer in line and my heartbeat began to speed up a little at his cuteness, his blue eyes connected with mine and I swear my cheeks flushed up bright red at that. 

"Hi, how can I help you?" I asked walking over to the till area, he walked forward and looked to the menu above my head nervously. 

"I don't know what good." He whispered leaning forward to me, I giggled and nodded.

"Well what I like to drink is the Iced Caffè Mocha, but it's cold. Do you like warm drinks or cold?" I told looking behind him and saw no one behind him, I smiled knowing I can talk to him freely and not have to worry about dealing with another customer.

"I like both, but warm make me feel happy." He grinned at me which made my heart beat faster.

"OK, I guess a warm drink it is. Coffee or tea?" I said grabbing a regular sized coffee cup, the young dashing male in front of me stood with a puzzled look on his face. 

"What you like?" He asked with an accent I only hear coming through now, it made me smile knowing his English is better than most.

"Coffee, keeps me awake." I smiled, he grinned at me.

"I will take coffee, thank you." He told giving a simple nod, it made me giggle and he blushed. 

"Right away, can I get your name?" I asked with my cheeks flaring up again, I grabbed the pen from the till and waited for him to speak again.

"Artemi Panarin." He said with a huge smile on his lips.

"Nice name, Russian?" I wondered writing down his first name.

"Yes, I come from Russia." Artemi nodded, I smiled and began to work on his drink. Every so often I looked up and found he is staring at me while I make his drink, every time our eyes connect I blush and look away. 

"There you go, Artemi." I smiled handing him his drink, he dug into his pocket to grab his wallet, but I stopped him.

"On the house." I told.

"Really?" Artemi asked a little too shocked at my gesture.

"Yup." I smiled and nodded, Artemi looked sad, but reluctantly put his wallet away.

"May I know name?" He asked looking at me with big blue eyes.

"Y/N." I said smiling at him, Artemi smiled back and gave a little wave before exiting the shop. I sighed and watched as the door closed behind him, it made my heart sink at the thought of never seeing him again. 

_ _ _ _ _ 

The shop is busier than normal and my co-worker and I are rushing about trying to get everyone's orders correct, once I finished with the customer I looked up and saw him standing there among the crowd of customers waiting in a line. A small smile made its way onto my lips when his eyes connected with mine, he waved excitedly at me and smiled. Finally it is Artemi's turn to order, he walked up to the counter and smiled at me. 

"I come again, I liked coffee yesterday. Can I get more?" He asked innocently, his rich accent coming through and it made my stomach tingle with butterflies. 

"Yup, the same as yesterday?" I said grabbing the cup, he nodded.

"And I pay." He told grabbing his wallet out, I didn't oblige as he forced the money into my hand. After spending a couple of minutes working on his drink, I handed it over to him and he smiled whenever I did. 

"I come tomorrow, see you Y/N." Artemi smiled waving to me before walking away, he exited the shop and a little hope built in my heart at his words. 

_ _ _ _ _

Tonight the shop is almost dead, not a costumer in sight as I sit at the till. Since there isn't a million things to do, I sit reading a book with sadness. The day is almost out and Artemi hasn't came, every few minutes I find myself looking up and staring at the door hoping he would walk in, but sadly he does not come. 

I hear the door chime and I look up hoping to find the blue eyes of the Russian, but it is only a customer. I set my book down and got to work, my feelings felt nothing but of sadness. When I had finished the order and handed the customer it, I went back to my place at the till and began to read again. I was so engrossed with my reading that I did not hear the door chime or see the Russian standing at the till waiting for me until he tapped my arm, I looked up and instantly shot out of my chair. He grinned at me and I felt better seeing his cheeky smile, I closed over my book and grabbed the coffee cup for him.

"Usual?" I asked taking hold of the pen, for once I saw him nervous again since the first time I met him.

"I come to ask question, important question." Artemi told, fumbling with his hands. I too waited nervously for him to ask, he took a deep breath and spoke.

"Would you come on date with me?" He asked looking to me with nervous eyes, I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart beat a little faster. 

"Yes, I would very much like to." I replied with a large unfaltering smile on my lips, Artemi's eyes lit up and he smiled at me. 

"That's good, I see you tomorrow?" Artemi wondered whenever I handed him his coffee. 

"Of course, and no need to pay as I have got you covered." I grinned and put my hand up to stop him from paying, Artemi sighed and reluctantly agreed once again.

"Really?" He said taking hold of his drink, I nodded with a smile.

"I see you tomorrow Y/N, goodnight." Artemi smiled waving to me before he exited the shop, and this time I didn't feel sad, I only felt happier knowing I have a date with him. 

A/N: Chelocean22 I hope this OK for you, apologies if not. 

Also I am extremely tired so apologize for any mistakes.


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