#99 - Jonathan Toews - #19 Chicago Blackhawks

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"Alright buddy." Jonathan said as he finished lacing our son's skates.

"You ready?" He stands up and held out his hand to Kallen who stood up shakily to his feet. I watched in awe as Jonathan looked lovingly over his son who sat on the bench wrapped in a big jacket and a helmet on his head incase he fell.

"I don't know daddy," Kallen whined looking down at the skates and wiggled his feet. "They feel weird."

"You'll get used to them, don't worry Kallen." I said taking Kallen's other hand and helped him up.

"Okay but can we get McDonald's after? I want McDonald's." Kallen asks hopefully, looking to Jonathan and I with big eyes.

"Why not." Jonathan answered giving Kallen a gently squeeze on his arm, Kallen looks to me to agree with what Jonathan said.

"Yeah we can go get McDonald's after." I nodded grinning as he cheered a little.

"Mummy are skating too?" Kallen asked as the three of us made our way towards the ice. "Do you like skating?"

"Yeah, I do," I nodded reassuringly in Kallen's direction. "And I learned just like you."

"Really mummy? You learned when you were four like me?" Kallen exclaimed excitedly, Jonathan and I both laughed.

"No baby, I didn't. Your daddy taught me how to skate when we first met." I explained as we stopped at the gate that lead into the ice.

"She was alright, kept falling on her bum though." Jonathan added looking to me with a huge goofy grin on his lips. Jonathan stood down on the ice first, holding the board with his free hand while he waited for Kallen and I to come on with him.

"Here we go Kallen." I said giving Kallen a little boost of confidence as I stepped out onto the ice. Jonathan moved around and stood behind Kallen, taking hold of his tiny hands as Kallen took the unsure step onto the icy surface. Kallen eyes went wide and pure shock filled them when Jonathan gave him a gentle push that sent him sliding across the ice and into my arms.

"Daddy that was scary!" Kallen said giving a startled look into my eyes.

"Sorry buddy." Jonathan said giving a little chuckle at the end, I shot Jonathan a little look as if to say 'stop it' and Jonathan stopped laughing. I moved around and took hold of Kallen's hand, Jonathan doing the same on the other side, and soon we took off at a slow and steady pace along the ice close to the boards incase Kallen wanted to stop.

"I don't like this." Kallen mumbled as he struggled to maintain his balance on the ice.

I looked to Jonathan, a nervous and concerned look came to my face. "I don't think we should force him to do something he may not like."

"Give him a minute Y/N. You weren't too thrilled about skating when you first started." Jonathan laughed giving me a smile.

"Mummy tell me about it!" Kallen said as he slowed his shuffling of legs and looked up to me, his helmet blocking his eyes his appearance made my heart melt as he grinned up at me.

"Well daddy had to stop me from falling and hurting myself, I felt like an idiot every time I kept falling on my butt but your daddy kept smiling and giving me encouraging cheers every time I didn't fall and made it back to him in one piece." I giggled looking to Jonathan who was smiling at the memory of it all.

"And after that your mummy became a much better skater." Jonathan grinned as he lent over Kallen and laid a kiss on my forehead.

"Mummy, daddy, that's gross!" Kallen whined shaking mine and Jonathan's hands in disgust, Jonathan and I both laughed as Kallen looked at us with horrified looks.

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