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March madness has truly begun in the United States. Every TV channel, every radio station, every person you talk too all mention something to do with March Madness. It is like some sort of craze that has taken over America, it's crazy !

I don't mind basketball it is a good sport to watch, what I don't like is the fact that Brayden has taken over our TV and living room and will not stop watching it. Since it began on March 15th till now, Brayden has not moved from the one spot on the couch apart from him going to morning skate, home games and away games. He's become a couch potato, I wouldn't be surprised if he starts to turn into one with all the chips he is eating.

"Hey babe, can you pass me a bag of chips." Brayden shouts from the living room. I move back from the sink and see him sprawled out on the couch with an empty bag of chips laying on the floor beside him, oh my gosh he's greedy pig! I grab a bag of chips from the cupboard and walk into the living room, Brayden grins up at me when he sees me standing above him.

"You're going to get fat if you keep acting like this." I comment throwing the bag of chips on top of him.

"I'm working on my summer body, can't you tell?" He laughs lifting his shirt and pats his stomach, there isn't an inch of fat on his toned chest. I chuckle and walk back into the kitchen to finish cleaning the dishes.

A couple of minutes later, Brayden shouts for me again.

"Babe! Can you pass me my phone? It's sitting on the island there." Braydon calls out, I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh my god, Brayden! You're a twenty-six-year-old nab not a two-year-old! Get off your ass and do it yourself." I call back as I walk into the living room where Brayden is. He whines and sprawls out even more over the couch, he looks up at me with his soft eyes and I chuckle at his childishness.

"But you were in the kitchen." He whines and pouts like a baby.

"Do I look like I'm the kitchen now?" I sass folding my arms, I stand above Brayden with a raised eyebrow. Brayden groans and pushes himself up off the couch and stands in front of me.

"I guess I'll do it myself then." He sighs and walks into the kitchen. I chuckle and sit down on the couch, I kick my feet up and sprawl out like Brayden was a few seconds ago.

"Oh, this is the life." I exhale pushing myself down until my head rests on the hand rest of the couch. The feeling of comfort soon begins to take over my body and I start to relax.

"Hey Bray babe, can you bring me a glass of water on your way in please?" I shout out as I grab the remote control and turn on Netflix. Brayden walks back into the living room and looks almost starstruck at the sight of me in his position, I look up to him as he stands over me and smile widely at him.

"I see why you like this, it's very comfortable." I chuckle selecting The Office to watch. Brayden huffs and sits down beside me, he folds his arms across his chest as he stares at the TV with a grumpy expression on his face.

We watch a few episodes in silence, not one of us uttering a word, and Brayden still sits with his grumpy facial features. I push myself up and walk into the kitchen for a glass of water, when I turn back around to see if Brayden wants anything but instead, I find him lying across the couch with the basketball game back on.

"You're such a devil." I chuckle walking back in with my glass of water. Brayden gives me a cheeky grin as I sit next to him, he opens his arms up for me and I snuggle down into his side. We spend the rest of the night snuggled up together on the couch switching between the basketball games and Netflix shows.

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