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I chuckle when I see Matthew and the rest of the Flames come onto the ice for warm ups, his eyes roaming around for me and when he catches them he comes closer.

"Matthew!" I shout loudly to my boyfriend, my fist banging against the glass along with other Flames fans. Matthew skates over to the plexiglass and blows a kiss to me, the girl fans beside me squeal at his actions and that makes me chuckle as well.

"Cheesy." I laugh at him. He lifts his shoulder as he answer and starts to play with the puck in front of him.

"Want this?" Matthew asks flicking the puck up onto the blade of his stick and starts to throw it into the air and catches it again with the blade.

"We have like a million at home, I don't think we need anymore." I reply shaking my head to him, but Matthew has already sent the puck over the boards, it lands in my hands and I give him a look. He sends me his cheeky smile.

"Just what we need, more pucks at home, thank you my saviour." I say sarcastically, holding the puck close to my chest, and start to sway with it in my hands. The fans around us chuckle at my actions and Matthew smiles wider.

"You're an idiot." He laughs shaking his head at me and I can only smile at him.

"You chose to ask me out, and this is what you get." I tell twirling around. Matthew laughs loudly at me and starts shaking his head at me, his smile never faltering on his lips.

We start talking about random things as the warm-ups pass by, Matthew would keep flicking some pucks over the boards to fans who asked him and gave me a wink whenever he did. I never knew dating Matthew could open me up to so many opportunities, but I am glad I agreed to go on a date with him.

Finally the warm-ups end and Matthew sighs when he sees it is time to head back to the dressing rooms.

"I gotta go, wish me luck?" He asks leaning his cheek against the glass.

"Good luck, I love you." I sing blowing him a kiss to him.

"I love you too, see you after the game." Matthew tells, he sends a kiss my way and waves before skating off. I chuckle to myself as I sit down at my seat, the puck Matthew gave me sits firmly in my hand as I wait for tonight's game to begin.

Matthew's PoV:

It is in the second period and Detroit are down by two goals, everything seems to be going perfectly fine for my team and my game until Dylan Larkin opens his large mouth.

"Saw you with your girlfriend in warm-ups, she's pretty hot. I'd fuck her if she weren't dating you." He says as the face off is about to start. I ignore him and his stupid comment, and focus my eyes on the puck.

"No comment on another guy wanting to fuck your girlfriend? Wow Tkachuk, buddy at least defend your girlfriend." He continues to say and is trying his best to taunt me.

"I'm not your buddy." I seethe giving him a a shove on his shoulder to shut him up. Dylan shoves back and the refs blow their whistles.

"Come on then, Tkachuk. Defend her! Because if not, I'll take her." Dylan shouts shoving me again. I have had enough and I drop my gloves the second he said those words. I throw the first punch and my fist catches Larkin square in the jaw, he stumbles back and grabs my jersey as he did. He swings at me, but I duck and I catch him with my fist on his nose as he let his defence down. I have a handful of his jersey and keep punching him, like he does with me, until the refs and linesmen stop us when the fights goes too far.

The crowd cheers loudly and clap as I am sent down the tunnel to the dressing room, I catch a glimpse of Y/N as I walk away and she doesn't look to happy at me.

Oh well, I just defended her honour.

Your PoV:

I sigh as Matthew is sent down the tunnel after fighting with Dylan Larkin, Matthew is given a game and Larkin was given a game as well for fighting the way they did. I stare at Matthew as he walks away, the blood runs down his eye and lip and I let a defeated look come into my emotions. Why does he always have to fight?

I stand up from my seat and make my way down to the Flames dressing room, I show security my passes and knock the door before entering. Matthew is sat in his stall as the trainer works on patching up his lip and eye, he wink at me as I walk over to him.

"Does this make me look like bad-ass now?" Matthew asks gesturing to his beat up and bloody face that is now being fixed with stitches.

"You look like a big baby who just got involved in a silly fight over a bloody toy." I tell sitting down beside him. The trainer laughs and agrees with my comment, Matthew looks offended but chuckles when he sees I am only joking with him.

"Wanna tell me why you fought? Because from the stands it looked like you two were just two big idiots on the ice." I ask leaning my head against his bare shoulder, my hand sitting in his on his lap.

"He was saying nasty things about you, I couldn't let that happen. I must protect you because you're my girl." Matthew says looking to me with puppy eyes, his lips pouted out.

"You know you didn't have to fight him because of that, you should have told me and then I would have kicked his ass." I laughed sitting up and take my hand out of his.

"Ah yes I see tonight's breaking news headline, 'Dylan Larkin ass kicked by small eighteen year old Y/N Y/L/N.'"Matthew says in a reports tone.

"I'm not small!" I exclaim turning my head to Matthew quickly, he laughs at me and takes my hand into his once again.

"But thank you for defending me." I smile leaning my head against his shoulder and wrap my arms around his waist once again.

"You're my girlfriend, of course I will defend you no matter what." Matthew tells leaning his head on top of mine. The trainer finished with Matthew and has left us alone, it is just us two in the Flames dressing room.

"How about you get dressed and then we go find this Larkin and beat his ass together?" I suggest looking up to Matthew, he laughs down at me.

"That is my beautiful girlfriend." He says leaning forward and kisses my forehead, I pout and give Matthew the puppy eyes as he backs away.

"I can't say no to this face." Matthew says kissing me on the lips this time. I chuckle and unravel my arms from his waist.

"Let's go find Larkin and kick his ass." I sing standing up and pull Matthew up with me.

"I will bail you out if it comes to that." Matthew chuckles as we walk out of them Flames dressing room, his hand in mine and I can only smile up at my protective boyfriend.

A/N: Someone requested this ages ago and I cannot remember who it was so I hope whoever requested it enjoyed it!


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