#157 - Roberto Luongo - #1 Florida Panthers.

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Has the world got some sort of vendetta against me finding love? Was there some curse that was laid millions of years ago saying that I shall never find love again? That my chances of finding that perfect someone had been ruined because of my first marriage? 

My first attempt at the long term relationship/marriage went horribly wrong. We were young, I was naïve, and we had decided to get married at 22 years old, which I see now as one of the worst mistakes I have made in my life. Before we were a year into our marriage, we divorced as a result of lack of communication and we didn't work as a couple. And to make matters worse, I found out I was pregnant with my first husbands child after the divorce was finalized.

Fast forward ten years and I have yet to settle down again and with my age that it is, I knew my chances are slim, especially when you have a nine year old son. No man wants that burden of looking after a child who isn't his, well every man I have went on a date with so far has yet to 'return' those calls that they said they would do. 

And when my hopes of never finding true love again, did my fairy godmother appear.

James Reimer. It didn't happen like it does in the movies when they appear out of the bloom and magic up a beautiful dress, and sends the princess off to the ball. Well, James appeared out of the blue and unfortunately it resulted in a car crash that involved myself, my son, and James. Since that day, thankfully none of us seriously injured, James has stayed in contact with me and whenever he can, he'll send out home game tickets to us as his way of repaying us after the accident. But, I never expected him to be the type of person to set others up. 

And that's where I currently find myself, James trying to set me up with one of his teammates.

"You've got to give him a chance, Y/N." James said following me into the kitchen.

"I don't know, James." I sighed looking out into the back garden and saw Rowan, my son, kicking around the football in the back garden.

"He's a really nice guy, funny, and he loves kids. I've already spoken to him about you, I've already told him about you and Rowan, and he's agreed to go out on a date with you, if you agree that is." James told sitting down at the table. 

"You say that and come the night of the date, he hates kids and doesn't want to meet me." I said begrudgingly taking a seat in front of James. 

"He's not like that, Y/N. I can vouch that for you." James sighed leaning forward and rested his elbows on the table. 

"Why are you doing this?" I finally asked sitting back in the chair.

"His wife left him a year ago and he hasn't been himself since the divorce was finalized, I think setting you two up would be a good thing for you both." James said carefully waiting for my reaction. 

"So, I'm a charity case for him?" I replied folding my arms and waited for what James had to say. 

"No, of course you're not. You say you want what's best for Rowan and I think that Roberto will be that person, he loves kids and he's a genuine person. Go on the date with him and if you find you don't like him, then I'll stop trying to set you up." James told meaning every word he said. I looked out the window and saw Rowan still kicking the ball around, his face lighting up in smiles as he was able to do tricks with the ball. Maybe it's time to start looking for someone my son likes, someone who can make my son laugh and be happy like a father should do to his son.

"Alright." I said turning back to face James. "But you've got to look after Rowan while I am out on this date."

"Deal." James nodded grinning widely at my answer.

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