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"Hey babe, what you are doing?" Rickard, my boyfriend for over a year, asks walking into our bedroom. I look up from my textbook on my lap and shoot him a glare as I'm trying to study. Rickard put his hands up in a surrendering position as he walks over to our bed.

"Shh, I'm trying to study here babe." I sigh pushing back strands of hair that fall in front of my eyes. The bed slumps down behind me as Rickard sits down, he crosses his legs and I feel him looking over my shoulder, his breath slowly blows against my neck distracting me from my studying.

"What's that?" Rickard asks pointing to the paragraph I am trying to read. I ignore his question to me and continue to study for a midterm tomorrow, seconds after I feel a tap on my cheek and I know Rickard is the culprit.

"Baby, what's that?" Rickard wonders pointing to a diagram of the brain in my textbook. I sigh heavily and push Rickard off my shoulder, his closeness is distracting me, and I can't concentrate on what I am supposed to be studying. I know he's trying to get my attention to take my mind of studying so I don't get over stressed, which I have been doing almost every day for hours now, but when I have a huge midterm coming up studying is the number one thing on my mind right now. Rickard lies down on the bed behind me as I continue to study in front of him, everything is peaceful and perfect until Rickard poke me on my side with his foot and I lose it with him.

"Omg, Rickard! I'm trying to study here; can you please leave me alone? This is important, I can't have you distracting me!" I yell out throwing my hands down in frustration. Immediately after I shout at Rickard, I begin to regret shouting at him when I see how much my yelling has affected him.

"Sorry, babe. I just thought you needed a little break since you've been studying for so long, I was just looking out for you. I'll leave you alone now." Rickard says softly in his Swedish accent; his face has fallen in sadness after I shouted at him to leave me along.

"Ricki, babe." I sigh watching him climb off the bed and walk towards the door, his shoulders are slumped as he does. I bite my lip when I see how sad he looks, it tugs on my heart strings.

"No, no, you study babe." He nods before walking out of the bedroom and closes the door behind him. I groan loudly and throw myself down on my bed, my hands come up to my face and cover my eyes with the palms of my hand. I didn't mean to be so mean and rude to Rickard, I never meant to shout at him the way that I did, but I did, and I can't take that back now. All I wanted was a little peace and quiet as I prepare for my exam, but the stress and worry got to me and I took it out on Rickard when I shouldn't have. I need to apologize to him or I will continue to feel bad and can't focus on studying.

I walk out of our shared bedroom and down the hallway to the living room, I see Rickard sitting on the couch with his knees up against his chest. He looks like a little puppy who just got told off by his master, and I guess he did. I was the one who shouted at him and it hurts my heart seeing him so sad and I was the one who caused that.

"Hey babe." I say softly sitting down beside him on the couch. Rickard looks up and nods at me, he soon turns his attention back to the game that is on and doesn't take notice of me beside him.

"Look babe, I am so sorry for shouting at you the way that I did. I'm just really stressed out about this exam and I shouldn't have taken it out on you, I didn't mean to and I feel horrible that I did. I know all you were trying to do was distract me before I go crazy with all the studying I have been doing, you are too kind for me and I feel bad for shouting at you." I tell resting my head on his shoulder, my eyes begin to fill with tears. I feel Rickard move me, so I am facing him, he holds my hands in his and gives them a gentle squeeze.

"I forgive you babe, I know you're stressing out so much, but I will forgive you on one condition." Rickard smiles, his happiness making me feel much better now.

"What's that?" I ask slightly unsure of what he's about to say.

"We play a bit of NHL18 and we order in pizza tonight for dinner, you don't need to worry about cooking and I'll pay this time." Rickard tells grabbing the two controllers off the coffee table.

"Oh, you're on Rakell." I say reaching out for the controller in his hand.

"Bring it, babe!"

HOCKEY IMAGINES [ UNEDITED ]Where stories live. Discover now