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"Y/N!" Dylan shouted as he ran into our bedroom, he held a pamphlet in his hand and waved it excitedly in his hand.

"Dylan!" I exclaimed as he threw himself onto the bed which contained my notes, they crumpled underneath him, and he looked up at me with a small smile on his lips.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly rolling onto his back and held the pamphlet into the air.

"There is an amusement park in town and I wanna go." Dylan said waving the pamphlet in my face, I swatted his hand out of my face and took the pamphlet from his hand.

"You know I'd love to go, but I have a final in a couple of days so I have to study." I sighed looking sadly at Dylan, he nodded and rolled over to get off the bed.

"It's OK, I know you are working hard." Dylan said disappointingly. I sighed and felt horrible as I destroyed Dylan's happiness, maybe taking an hour off from studying wont hurt anybody.

"You know what, I think I can stop studying for tonight." I smiled watching as Dylan's eyes light up in happiness.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." He grinned jumping back on the bed and threw himself on top of me, flattening both of us.

"OK Dylan, can't breath." I gasped trying to push the 6'2, 185 pound, nineteen year old of me.

"I'm actually quite comfortable here." He nodded sprawling his body out like a starfish across me.

"Do you want me to die?" I groaned rolling around as Dylan still lay on top of me.

"OK, I'll move." Dylan chuckled rolling off me.

"Let's go!" Dylan shouted throwing his arm into the air and jumped off the bed, I laughed loudly as Dylan face planted the ground.

"I'm grand!" He said standing up, I could only laugh at him.

We finally got into the car and made our way to the park, Dylan couldn't stop smiling the whole journey.

"We're here!" Dylan sang turning the engine off and jumped out, closing his eyes and smelled the air.

"You're a child." I chuckled walking around the Dylan and grabbed his hand, we walked up to the ticket booth and got an all day pass.

The first ride we went on was the ghost train, Dylan and I were the oldest ones on it. The little kids screamed and jumped at scary things that popped up out of the dark, while Dylan and I laughed at the cheesiness of it.

We walked around smiling and laughing, our hands never leaving each others. We ate cotton candy, popcorn, all the sweets in the world. Dylan ended up having a sugar rush and then a sugar crash, he fell asleep while we were waiting for somewhere to eat proper food.

Finally it came later in the evening and Dylan and I found ourselves sitting on the Ferris wheel, our hands entwined as we over looked the city.

"I'm glad I chose to come out with you." I smiled leaning my head against Dylan's shoulder.

"I'm glad too, I had a lot of fun with you." Dylan told.

"I did too, we should do this more often." I chuckled looking up to him, Dylan looked down at me and smiled widely.

"I love you." He said brushing his thumb over my cheek.

"Hmm I love you too." I grinned as Dylan put his lips against mine.

A/N: Sorry this is so short! It was written quickly so I apologize if there are mistakes. I just want to let you guys know that I won't be able to update for a couple of days, the Internet in my house has stopped working so I can't get to update. I will still keep requests open, because I will be able to get Internet when I'm in school(the only time I am actually grateful that school exists) I hope you guys understand!


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