#146 - Nathan Beaulieu - #82 Buffalo Sabres

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"Can you stop for a moment and listen to yourself?" I sighed angrily glaring at Nathan who stood on the other side of the room. His hands balled into fists as he stared me down too, his cheeks red with anger, and his breathing rough it could be heard from where I stand.

"I know perfectly well what I am saying, Y/N." He spat back. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Then you must know that you're spouting absolute bullshit." I seethed crossing my arms across my chest. Yet another night at our household has erupted into a fight, this time it was down to the fact that my ex boyfriend had shown up at the door and I let him in. Jack, my ex boyfriend, and I had dated a long time ago, 3 years to be exact and it was 3 years ago that he realized that he never liked women, only men. Our break up wasn't like others with the whole drama involved, instead it was a mutual agreement and after we've stayed friends. A couple months into mine and Nathan's relationship I had told him about Jack and how we use to date, ever since that day our fights have always seemed to evolve around him.

"How? Explain to me how I am 'spouting absolute bullshit?' Please enlighten me  because I would really love to know." Nathan mocked me. I clenched my jaw tight to stop myself from shouting even louder at him.

"Maybe because you always assume that I am secretly dating him, how can I date him when I'm dating you and he also has a partner." I shot back. Nathan scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

"How come I've never met his partner? I mean Jack is always here, why does he never have his partner here too?" Nathan asked angrily pacing back and forth.

"Why would Jack bring Sam with him? Sam isn't like you, he trusts his partner!" I said putting emphasis on trust. 

"So I don't trust you then?" Nathan asked getting the hint.

"No, you don't trust me. If you trusted me then you wouldn't get so angry over the fact that Jack comes around, you always seem to pick on him because of it and yet all we do is talk and watch movies together like normal friends do. You don't see me complaining day in and day out about girls throwing themselves at you when you're out at clubs or away in a different province or state with them, and you wanna know why I don't? It's because I trust you, Nathan! I trust you because I know you won't do anything stupid with them, but you don't seem to trust me when I hang out with a guy who like men!" 

"I do trust you! I don't trust Jack!" Nathan protested. I laughed loud at what he said.

"You don't trust a man who is in love with men? How stupid could that be, Nathan?"

"You know what, Y/N. I'm finished with all this. I'm leaving, we're breaking up." Nathan spoke words that I never thought would escape his mouth. I stared at him with my mouth slightly open in shock, my eyes welling with tears as I watched Nathan stand motionless on the other side of the living room.

"You don't mean that." I whispered loud enough for him to hear me.

"No I don't, but how can we maintain this relationship when all we do is fight? It's not healthy for us both." Nathan said lowly. 

"We maintain this relationship by loving each other, because by God do I love you, Nathan!" I cried and started to make my way towards Nathan, but he held his hand up for me to stop and I did.

"I love you too Y/N, but I don't want to be hurt in the future when something like this happens again. It's better to do it now before we hurt each other by saying words we don't mean." Nathan told looking to the ground as tears rolled down his cheek. 

"You're hurting me now, Nathan! Why can't you see that?" I sobbed looking at his blurry figure through my teary eyes.

"I know and that's why I am leaving now, I'll be back later for my stuff." He announced before walking out of the apartment. The door slowly closed after him and I let my sobs finally escape, the once silent house was now filled loud with my cries. 

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