#169 - Leon Draisaitl - #29 Edmonton Oilers

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[2/1/2019 A/N]: I never really ended this well, but I did write a book on this imagine so if you'd like to see how this one turns out you should take a look at the book! Thank you for reading this. - Lauryn.

I gave another frustrated sigh as my mother sent another text my way. It's only 10 am and already I have received eleven messages from her, all of which are photos of young rich men who she deems 'appropriate' for me to date and marry, more like appropriate for her and my father because of their status in the world.

This time her text is different, this time she is asking me to attend a friendly dinner party this week back in Ottawa because she found out I have the week off from university. And of course I know the only reason she's asking me too attend this family dinner party, is to set me up with some of father's friends wealthy sons because to her it is time for me to settle down and start to think of my future as a wife. I am only 21 years old, but to her I'm wasting my life away at university when I can marry into a wealthy family and not have to worry about working. 

Being away at university gives me that freedom from her insistent nagging over me like she was when I lived back in Ottawa before coming to Edmonton. The joys of not having her constantly breathing down my neck showing me young men, is one I don't take for granted being here in Edmonton. The only thing I miss from back home is my father. Despite having a none existent relationship with my mother, unless you count having her constantly talk about her, my father was always the one who showed me appreciation and he was the one who told me to follow my heart, and because of that I find myself in Edmonton miles away from the nagging of my mother and doing something I want.

"Y/N." I heard my name being called and I glanced up from my phone to see my roommate, Alexis, leaning against the door frame to my room.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked closing my phone and sat it on my bedside table.

"What you doing this week? No classes, we're free to do what we wish." She wondered walking into my room and sat on the bed in front of me. I gave a sigh, my thoughts traveling back to my mothers invitation to the dinner party. I know if I don't agree to attend I'll never hear the end of it from my mother. But as much as I want to go to see my father and other members of my family, I can't stand going and having my mother breathing down my neck about wealthy young men who are suitable candidates for me to marry.

"I think I'm just going to stay here, get some extra curricular done for my class." I replied giving a simple shrug as my answer.

"What about you?" I asked trying to forget about my current dilemma.

"Going to see my family in Red Deer, it's been a while." Alexis answered giving a smile when she mentioned her family. "Are you not going to see your family in Ottawa?"

"I dunno." I said giving a shake of my head.

"If I go, I'll most likely come back engaged to a young rich, dreamy man who I will only have met one day before the engagement is announced." I added with sarcasm in my voice.

"What?" Alexis asked with a confused look, but a faint smile on her lips as she knows the most of my situation with my mother.

"My mother has invited me to a dinner party this weekend and knowing my mother she has invited some of my fathers friends, along with their bachelor sons to find a suitable companion for me to marry. Trying to tell her I am not interested in any of these men is like talking to a brick wall, she never listens to anything other than her own voice." I said with a roll of my eyes, Alexis sat in front of me listening intently. "I'd rather stay here in cold boring Edmonton than go to this dinner party that will end up being a disaster."

Alexis gave a nod in understanding. "Why don't you just fake it so she doesn't nag you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked rising an eyebrow at her.

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