#155 - Dylan Wells - #29 Reading Royals

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I walked into my apartment after a long hard days work, my body sore and my eye lids drooping with each step I took, my whole body screams 'bed' at me when I entered the house. Throwing my keys into the bowl, I made my way into the living room to see my boyfriend, Dylan, laying on the couch with a wet cloth over his face, a blanket half hanging off him, and a bucket next to him on the floor. I peered over the bucket and saw Dylan had threw up multiple times and my face fell at the sight of my boyfriend laying on the couch, sick and asleep.

"Hey, babe." I said softly kneeling in front of Dylan and nudged him slightly in case the sudden movement made him throw up. Dylan stirred in his sleep and a couple seconds later he pulled the wet cloth off his face, he peered up at me with wide eyes and a face white as a ghost. 

"I'm sorry." He muttered dryly trying to push himself up. I jumped to help him immediately, my hands wrapping around his underarms and sat him up against the couch. 

"Don't apologize, darling. Why didn't you call me when you started being sick? I would have came home straight away." I told sitting next to him. Dylan's body slumped against my left side, his head hanging loosely on my shoulder. 

"I didn't want to worry you." He replied softly, his voice almost nonexistent. I sighed and gently ran my hand through Dylan's hair, in both comfort and reassurance.

"Well, I'm worried now. Come on, let's get you to the bedroom." I said looking down at Dylan's hunched over figure. Dylan nodded and mumbled incoherent words that I took as he was agreeing with me. I wrapped my arm underneath Dylan's arms and wrapped his other arm around my neck, and heaved us both up off the couch. Dylan groaned with each step we took towards the bedroom, his body heavy and he had his head against my shoulder. 

"Here we go." I announced when we made it to our bedroom. Dylan grunted in pain when I sat him carefully against the bed, his face growing grey in front of me and the bags under his eyes got darker with each second. I ran my hand through his hair again, I curled my fingers in his curls and gently he rested his head against my stomach. Dylan wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I think it was last nights dinner that's got me like this." Dylan mumbled against my stomach, his deep voice sent vibrations against my stomach and my stomach fluttered with butterflies. 

"But, I feel fine." I said continuing to play with Dylan's hair. 

"I don't think we ate the same food though." Dylan replied turning his head so he could look at me. I nodded my head in agreement, Dylan moved out of my embrace and as quick as he laid down against the bed, he was up and running into the bathroom. I chased after him and dropped to my knees beside him, my hand on the small of his back and rubbed it in comfort while he puked his guts out in front of me. 

"Oh, baby." I sighed when Dylan raised his head and slumped against the shower door. Dylan's pale and clammy face looked in my direction, he smiled weakly at me. 

"I guess I've never looked as hot as I do now." He chuckled and soon started to cough. Dylan moved back over to the toilet and started throwing up again. I moved back over towards him, my hand running up and down his back in hopes to help him get it all out of his stomach. 

We sat in the bathroom together until Dylan's vomiting had subsided to where he could go back into the bedroom to lay down. Once I got him comfortable in bed, I laid a kiss on top of his forehead and went into the kitchen to bring him a glass of water.

"Here you go, honey." I said setting the glass of cold water on the bedside table and sat down beside Dylan, I rested my hand on top of his and squeezed to reassure him I'm here.

"You're very helpful, thank you, love." Dylan muttered, his eyes closed and his head slumped to the side, but a small grin is firmly placed on his lips.

"No need to thank me, Dylan. I'm always going to be here for you, no matter what state you are in." I told bringing his hand up to my lips and pressed a soft kiss against it. Dylan opened his eyes and smiled weakly at me, he patted the space beside him and I crawled over to where he lays. I curled into a ball beside him, my hand still in his and Dylan rested his head against my chest. Taking the opportunity to play with his hair again, I gently ran my fingers through his soft hair and he let out a small sigh. 

"I love you so much, babe. Thank you for taking care of me." Dylan mumbled sleepily, his head raising gently with each intake of breath I took.

"I love you too, Dylan. Go to sleep and hopefully when you wake you'll feel much better." I told moving his hair back from his forehead and pressed my lips against it. Dylan didn't think twice about falling because as soon as the words left my lips, he was fast asleep against me. I smiled at the sight of sleeping male beside me, and soon I drifted off into a sleep myself.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this and have a wonderful day.


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