#112 - Markus Nutivaara - #65 Columbus Blue Jackets

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I groaned as I tried to move off my bed but another sharp pain shot through my torso, I gasped and lay back down on my bed while tears clouded my vision from the pain. During my game last night I was shoved into the boards hard and I thought nothing of it until I woke up this morning with a huge disgusting looking bruise around my ribs, I haven't told Markus about the bruised ribs I don't need him worrying. 

"Y/N, are you OK?" Markus asked walking into our bedroom, I nodded and sat up slowly ignoring the pain that is shooting through my whole body now. 

"I'm grand." I said through my teeth, I scrunched my eyes and got off the bed slowly. 

"No you're not, where does it hurt?" Maskus said walking over to me, I sighed and lifted my shirt up at a slow pace. Markus gasped and bent down on his knees to get a better look at the bruise, I winced as Markus put his finger on the bruise. 

"Y/N, why didn't you tell me? You need to go to the hospital right now." Markus insisted, he stood back up and put his hands on each of my arms.

"Because I knew you would be worried, it is just a bruise. I am sure it'll heal itself soon." I told shrugging him off but Markus wasn't having any of it, he looked down at me with his blue eyes and stared at me until I agreed to go to the hospital.

_ _ _ _ _ 

Markus and I sit waiting in the hospital room for my results, I lay on the bed and my arms folded across one another while Markus sat on the seat beside the bed with his hand against my shoulder. The doctor walked in, her nose buried in my notes. She looked up and gave a soft smile, I know she's going to say something bad.

"Just as I thought, you have a few broken ribs on your right side." She told giving me a sincere look. I let out a sigh and moved my eyes to the ceiling, Markus grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it in reassurance. 

"What is there that I can do?" I asked shakily, Markus squeezed my hand again.

"The best thing to do is rest up as much as you can, have an ice pack or something frozen pressed against your chest and make sure that you take medication like painkillers if you are feeling sore again." The doctor said walking over to me, I looked over to her and gave a forced smile.

"And you, make sure that she isn't working too hard. Look after her." She told looking to Markus who nodded. 

_ _ _ _ _ 

"Here you go." Markus smiled handing me a hot steaming cup of tea, I grinned at him and took the cup from his hands. Since we got back from the hospital all Markus has done is look after me, I'm not complaining about it all, it is nice to be able to relax and have someone look after you for a while.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Markus asked moving to the other end of the sofa were my feet are placed. 

"Yes," I nodded moving to set the cup down but Markus grabbed it and placed it for me.

"Kiss?" I grinned puckering my lips for him, Markus laughed and leaned forward to place his lips on top of mine. 

"What else?" He asked leaning back. 

"A cuddle." I laughed. 

"Coming right up." Markus said shifting around so that he is underneath me and I am on top of him, he placed his arms gently on either side of me and rested his chin on my shoulder. 

"I love you." He told pressing his lips beneath my earlobe, I smiled and leaned back.

"I love you too."

A/N: My endings are getting really bad! Nike_6 I hope you enjoyed it!


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