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"Babe, what did I do wrong?" Sidney asks me as he follows me around the kitchen in our apartment like a lost puppy.

I am ignoring him, like most times when I get mad at him, so I don't go off on him and start a rant that could potentially lead into a follow blown argument. Sometimes I get mad at him at the simplest things like when he forgets to put his washing away or when he doesn't clean the kitchen when I am away at work and he's at home doing nothing. Today's incident, he didn't do the shopping while I was at work and we desperately need food. I had been on at him since last week to get shopping in because we are running low on food but of course, he didn't do anything but play hockey or sit at home and do nothing.

"Please, talk to me baby." Sidney pleads, he is now in front of me blocking my way into the living room, so I turn around and walk back up the stairs to our bedroom. Sidney is in front of me again, quicker than the speed of light.

"Pumpkin, please what did I do wrong this time?" He asks, putting both hands of my shoulders to stop me from walking away from him again. I sigh a deep sigh and look up at him, a hint of mischief flashes through his dark eyes and I know he knows why I am not talking to him.

"For a start, never call me pumpkin again." I laugh at Sidney's nickname, I push his hands off my shoulders.

"I knew that would get you to talk, you're so predictable." Sidney comments with a chuckle and smiles triumphantly when he finally gets me talking back to him.

"Shut up." I giggly and punch him playfully on his shoulder as I push past him and continue up the stairs to our bedroom.

"So, are we on speaking terms now?" Sidney asks following me around once again. I sigh deeply at his words, he knows how to crack me so easily and he knows he has won but I won't let him this time.

"Not until you do what you were supposed to do all of this week." I say confidentiality and walk into our bedroom and shut the door behind me.

"Baby." Sidney groans in frustration and leans his head against the door from the other side.

"You promised last week you would do it for me because I have been so busy and you still haven't completed it, we need to eat babe." I tell with cockiness filling my voice. Sidney sighs loudly and walks away from the room, I keep my ear against the door making sure he has walked away. Once his footsteps die down, I walk over to the bed and lie down against it. I grab my book from the bedside table and begin to read it to pass the time.

_ _ _ _ _

"Babe! I have done what you have asked of me." I hear Sidney shout from down in our living room. An hour has passed since he left and I lost track of time reading my book.

"And what was that may I ask?" I yell back to him as I push myself up off the bed and move towards the door to the bedroom.

"I got the shopping like you asked." Sidney says his voice coming from the other side of the door. I pull the door open and see Sidney standing in the door frame with his hands filled with bags of shopping, I chuckle and shake my head as he smiles cheekily at me.

"I love you." I laugh throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. He set the bags on the ground and snakes his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you more than anything in the world." He mumbles against my lips. I smile into our kiss and begin to kiss him harder until we make out.

HOCKEY IMAGINES [ UNEDITED ]Where stories live. Discover now