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I stand over looking the beautiful bright blue sea of the Hawaiian coast, the palm trees sway gently as a cool breeze blows through. I turn my head towards the sun and close my eyes, I let the rays on the sun beat down on me and tan my skin. When I open my eyes, they move towards my left hand and the new ring on my finger. The diamond catches the suns rays and it twinkles in the sun light, a large grin forms on my face at the sight of it. 

Only three days ago did I become Mrs. Trevor Lewis, and they have been the best three days ever. Trevor and I decided to head to Hawaii for our honeymoon. It isn't like we get enough sun in LA, but I couldn't have asked for a better place to spend my first few weeks with my new husband.

I turn my gaze towards Trevor, he slips into the warm water of the Hawaiian sea and smile when he pokes his head up. 

"Come on, babe. Stop standing there and come in, the water is beautiful." He shouts from the water, his toned chest shimmers when the sun hits where the water is. 

"I am coming." I reply back to him, Trevor smiles and lies back against the water. I slip out of my shirt and shorts which reveals the red bikini that I wear underneath, I smile as I run towards Trevor. He sees me coming and stands up, he holds his arms out for me and I gladly go towards him.

"How is my beautiful wife this morning?" He asks as he wraps his arms around my waist. He looks down at me and I place my hands on his chest.

"Amazing, how is my husband this morning?" I wonder placing my hands on Trevor's waist as he gently sways the both of us.

"I love hearing you say that." Trevor smiles leaning his forehead down and rests it against mine.

"Well I do love it when you call me your wife as well." I chuckle to my husband.

"Then give me a kiss, my beautiful wife." Trevor grins leaning down to press his lips against mine, but I step back and splash him with water. He opens his eyes and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I ask and try to play it cool when he looks shocked at my actions.

"You splashed me!" He says in a whiny tone. I lose it then at his expressions, I laugh loudly at him.

"Did I?" I say laughing. Trevor's expression changed from shocked into mischievous. He starts to move towards me and I immediately know what he is going to do, I back away quickly with my hands in front of me for defence.

"No, you stay away." I tell moving backwards from Trevor. His smile widens and he picks up his pace. Instead of walking quickly, I break into a sprint and start to run away from him, but knowing how quick he is, it is no use and he catches me instantly. His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me onto his shoulder, his arms wraps around my legs to stop me from kicking out at him.

"Trevor, you put me down right now." I yell as I try to wiggle out of his grasp. Trevor does nothing but laugh and say nothing at my current distressed situation. 

"Trevor, don't you dare." I shout at him when he starts to walk a little further from the shore line and further into the sea. 

"Do what?" He asks innocently as if he doesn't know what he is about to do to me.

"Throw me in the water you ass!" I say sternly as I try to wriggle free from him once again, damn him and his strength. Trevor laughs at my words and moves me into his arms and then lets go off me. I fall back first into the water, I submerge under the water with my back stinging and when I resurface Trevor is bent in two laughing at me with tears trickling from his eyes.

"Oops." He gasps when I look at him with a furious look upon my face. I climb onto his back with his help, I rest my chin on his shoulder. 

"You're an ass." I mumbled to Trevor. He chuckles at me and turns his head to place a kiss on my cheek.

"But you love me." He smiles as he carries me on his back, back to the sand. I turn my head and kiss him from behind his earlobe down to his neck.

"Very much so, even when you do become a giant baby." I chuckle when he sets me back onto the sand. He turns to face me with his hands resting on my waist, he presses his lips against mine quickly.

"I'm glad I get to call you my wife." He tells in his serious voice. I look up to him and smile when I see his giant baby blue eyes looking down at me.

"And I'm glad to call you my husband." I reply standing on my tiptoes and press my lips against Trevor's lips. We kiss for a solid second before Trevor bends down and throws a handful of sand at me. Like my childish husband always does, he runs away from me laughing like a maniac.

"You're in for it, Mr. Lewis!" I shout to him as I rush after him. I wouldn't have my life any other way, being with Trevor is a dream come true.

A/N: OK I know someone requested this one and I cannot remember who it was, so sorry. I hope whoever it is enjoys it!


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