#125 - Taylor Hall - #9 New Jersey Devils

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"Why are you so angry at me?" Taylor asks from behind me, I turn around abruptly and stare at him with my jaw tightening.

"Are you serious? Have you not been listening to a word that I have said? Why am I angry at you? Hmm I wonder, oh here I remember why. Maybe because you are gone half the time and when you come home you are always hanging out with the guys, I get it Taylor, it's a new city and you want to make friends and all but have you considered that I might not be happy here?" I ranted, Taylor coughs as he tries to stifle a laugh. 

"I am sorry Y/N," Taylor replies trying to sound sincere but I know he doesn't mean any of it. "I didn't realize that you aren't making friends here."

"That's not the point Taylor! You are out every day and every night with your teammates while I'm constantly left alone in this city, don't try and play the 'I'm the only one who had to give up everything' card because it won't work, I had to give up on everything as well because you begged me to come here." I told trying to explain my situation to Taylor but he seems to be bored at the subject. I knew moving to a new city would be hard but I never imagined that it would be this hard, five months and already I have not made a single friend here. I feel more alone than ever, and it does not help when Taylor is gone almost every night.

"OK." Taylor said giving a shrug, I gasped at him with a pissed of expression.

"Don't you care? Don't you care that your girlfriend of five years isn't happy?" I shot back moving in front of him when he turned around to leave.

"I do care Y/N, but this is pointless. Just go out and have fun, it's not that hard to do and maybe you'll make some friends." Taylor answered casually, I am taken back and I stare at him with an empty expression. I feel like crying, I feel like letting all my emotions go but I maned up and told Taylor what I believe he should have heard whenever he asked me to move here.

"Go fuck yourself!" I walked off and slammed the door closed to the guest bedroom, I threw myself down onto the bed and cried sore into the pillows that mount the bed. Eventually I wore myself out and fell asleep, my tears still falling as I did.

The next morning I woke to a pair of soft lips kissing my forehead, I silently groaned and opened one eye to find Taylor standing at the side of the bed. I pushed myself away from him and pulled the blankets around my body, Taylor sighed and set the tray of food on the bedside table.

"Have you poisoned that and are feeding me so that I can die so you don't have to deal with me anymore?" I asked raising an eyebrow at Taylor, he chuckled and half smiled at me.

"Of course not, why would I do that?" He asked taking a seat on the bed beside me. 

"Maybe because we fought last night." I mumbled looking to my fingers and began to twiddle them.

"This is my way of apologizing to you, and I think that we need to talk about what was said last night." Taylor told, I looked up to Taylor and gave a slight nod for him to continue. 

"I know that what I asked you to do was a horrible thing to ask of you but I love you so much that I never wanted to end what we had because I was traded to another team, I was being selfish when I asked you to move with me and you could have said no and I would have totally understood why. I never believed that coming here wouldn't be fun for us, I thought that a new city would have been amazing for us and gave us many opportunities like possibly get married and raise a family but I never imagined this. I realize that what I said last night shouldn't have been said, I should have been more sensitive to what you feel because I felt like that when I came here but I never imagined you would still feel this way. I hate when we fight and when we do it is always surrounding that subject of when I am never here, I hate that I am away all the time and I love that throughout it all you have been stood by my side even when I am always gone. At this point in time I believe that you deserve better than me, you deserve someone who is always around, someone who is always there to support you in times of need, someone who treats you better than what I am doing. But in saying all that, I've never loved anyone as much as what I love you and so I am willing to try and make things better between us again because I would hate myself to know that I gave up something amazing because I am never here to support you. Trust me when I say that I truly love you with all my heart, you are the best thing that my life has given me and I would hate to end it here. I love you, I really really love you."

By now the both of us had tears rolling down our cheeks, my gaze hadn't left Taylor's when he started speaking. Without a thought I moved over to where Taylor is and wrapped my arms around him, he quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to his body.

"I love you so much Taylor, I love you so much." I whispered clinging to him.

"Please forgive me from being a horrible person and leaving you here alone whenever you need me." Taylor croaked out with his arms still wrapped around my body.

"Of course I forgive you, just please try and be around more as I miss you terribly." I told coming out of the hug and wiped away some tears that stain my cheeks. 

"I will, don't you worry about that." Taylor nodded pressing his lips against my forehead.

"Thank you." I replied, I lent in and kissed Taylor softly. I soon stopped when I went over his speech in my mind, I backed away and looked at him. 

"What?" Taylor asked worriedly. 

"You said you hoped that moving here would give us the opportunity to get married and have kids, do you really mean that?" I asked in a small voice, Taylor looked down to his hands that hold mine and then smiling he looked up to me.

"I do." He replied, a grin made its way onto my face and I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Well I hope that you won't get tripped up as there may be a small Hall running around us in about nine months." I told watching Taylor's expression change from happy to excitement.

"Are you sure?" He wondered looking at me with big eyes. 

"I have an appointment with the doctor today to find out the results, but I haven't had a period in about a month so I guess yes." I grinned, I let out a little squeal whenever Taylor attacked me with a hug and peppered my face with kisses.

"I love you so much." Taylor told kissing my lips. 

"I love you too Taylor." I smiled into our kiss. 

"Can I come with you to the appointment?" Taylor asked looking to me with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, of course you can." I nodded leaning my head into his chest whenever Taylor wrapped his arms around my waist. Turns out, I am pregnant and soon we will have a little one running around us, Taylor is excited, I am excited, can it get any better?

A/N: I got so carried away with this I am so sorry it is so long!

hockeylove91 apologies for the long wait but here you go, I hope you enjoyed it!

I have a couple of imagines that don't have any prompts or scenarios to them and I was wondering if you guys could kindly give me some ideas to write about? 


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