#183 - Christian Girhiny - #7 Erie Otters

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From the moment I met Christian we have never stopped fighting, arguing, or quarrelling with each other. And if we aren't doing any of that, we are competing against each other to see who is better than the other. All this started when we were children, he stole my lunch box in kindergarten and ate all my lunch leaving me with nothing to eat that day. I hated him for it, I had a Fruit by the Foot in there! Of course I am going to be angry for him eating that. To this day I still hate him for it.

And it doesn't help that our parents have been best friends since before we were born. Our summers are spent together away at our joined family lake house, his family will come to mine for one Christmas and we'll go to theirs for the next. It is like I can never get away from the infuriating man! The arguments we get into are what our parents call the most ridiculous of arguments on the planet, I once fought with him over the correct way to pronounce scone. It's pronounced like 'cone'!

I am never one to back down from a fight and neither is Christian, we're both too stubborn and usually our arguments results in somebody getting in between us because they fear we'll hit one another. I don't think I would ever do that, maybe one day when he is so stupid that it hurts that he needs to be slapped. Our parents joke that we are so similar that we were made for one another. Biggest load of crap, right? Even if he was the last man standing on earth I don't think I'd ever think of dating him. Well, that's what my head says. My heart, well that is another story.

I first realized I started liking Christian more than friends was when we got into an argument over who would take me to the graduation ball when we were in grade nine. I had been asked by Thomas Lawson, the cutest boy of our grade, to the dance and I had agreed to go with him. Christian, on the other hand, he wasn't too pleased by my accepting of Thomas' invitation and we got into an argument over it. While we argued with each other, I started seeing Christian in a different light. A light that one only sees when they start liking one person more than what they used to do. Since that day, almost five years ago, I have tried so hard to push away my thoughts of liking him more than what we are now.

What can you say that Christian and I are? Friends? We surly don't act like friends, all we do is fight, argue and compete with one another. But we are something since we always talk and are always around each other, the only time that we are never together is when he is playing hockey in Erie.

While I have these feelings for Christian, I can't let him know that I have these feelings for him. If he ever finds out about them, I can't think of what he'll do with that information. I fear he'll have a field day with it, he'll bug me to the point where I will slap him.

And for some unknown reason, Christian is sitting on my bed, in my house, unannounced.

I nearly crapped myself when I walked into my room to see him sitting so comfortable on my bed like it was his own. He looks up from his phone when he notices me and watches while I get over my mini heart attack, offering no help like the jerk he is.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask stuttering and point to him.

Christian shrugged at me. "Your mum let me in."

"I see that." I mutter eyeing him up and down with daggers in my eyes. I sling my school bag over my chair and move towards my bed. I shove him off it and sit down, Christian rolls his eyes and sits down facing me at the foot of my bed.

"Why are you here?" I ask again gesturing to the hockey player in front of me.

"Can't I see my best friend?" Christian chuckles throwing me his winning smile, I ignore my fast heart beats at his simple smile. Usually it never made me react like that, it used to make me more annoyed at him but now it makes my heart race and my stomach bubble.

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