#79 - Johnny Gaudreau - #13 Calgary Flames

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"I'm going to explode." I groaned in annoyance. Johnny looked up from his phone and laughed, I shot him a glare which shut him up quickly.

"She'll come when she wants too." He told poking my stomach.

I sighed and leant my head against his shoulder. "A week Johnny, she was suppose to come a week ago and we're still waiting. I'm scared."

"Darling don't be, you heard the doctor. They probably calculated the due date wrong." Johnny said trying to make me less nervous.

"Yeah you're probably right." I nodded, Johnny wrapped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"Don't worry about it OK, how about you go and have a nice hot bath and relax?" He suggested, I gave a shrug and nodded.

Johnny helped me up the stairs and ran the hot water for me, when it was finished I stepped in and relaxed my body. My bloated stomach breaking the water surface, I smiled as I felt our little girl kick against my stomach. Only a matter of time.

_ _ _ _ _

I awoke around 2 am with a horrible pain in my stomach and I instantly thought of the worst, I shot up and roughly shook Johnny awake.

"Johnny." I whispered tears forming my eyes.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

"I think she's coming." I said.

He scrunched his face up. "What?"

"I THINK OUR BABY IS COMING NOW!" I shouted loudly. Johnny shot up and started to dress himself.

"Are you serious?" He asked as he threw a jumper on.

"No, why would I lie when there's a child inside of me wanting to get out?" I sassed as I got out off bed, when I stood up my waters broke as liquid ran down my legs.

"Yeah definitely in labour." I nodded to myself.

Johnny rushed over to my side, his arms going underneath my armpits and he helped me down to our car.

After a long painful drive we made it to the hospital, Johnny parked the car and rushed to my side. The contractions getting worse by the minute, only a matter of time now before our little girl is born.

_ _ _ _ _

"I can't do this." I cried clutching Johnny's hand hard, my knuckles white due to the grip I had on his hand.

"Yes you can honey, you can do this." Johnny encouraged giving my hand a tight squeeze.

"Yeah you try pushing a child out of somewhere that shouldn't be stretched that wide!" I spat back, taking a large intake of breath, Johnny could only laugh.

"OK Mrs. Gaudreau, time to push." The doctor said looking up to me, I nodded and bit my lip as I felt another contraction come along. I grasped Johnny's other hand as I screamed out in pain.

"I see the head, your baby's head has been born." The doctor shouted as I groaned in pain.

"You're doing great baby." Johnny whispered encouragingly, taking my hand from his and ran his finger across my forehead.

"Y/N, next contraction I want to push really hard." The doctor told, I nodded and took hold of Johnny's hand.

"You're never getting me pregnant again." I panted staring into his eyes, Johnny nodded.

"Argh." I screamed out as I lurched forward in pain.

"That's it Y/N, now keep pushing." The doctor shouted over my screams, I let out one last cry in agony and soon the room was filled with the sound of crying. I smiled as I heard our baby's first cries.

"Congratulations Y/N, a healthy baby girl at 7:48 am." The nurse smiled as she cut the cord and wrapped the baby in a blanket, Johnny looked down at me and smiled widely his eyes brimming with tears.

"There you go." The nurse said carefully placing Johnny and I's new baby girl in my arms. My smile instantly reappeared as I took my first glances at her, a spitting image of Johnny. She had quieted down with her cries and she yawned a huge yawn, Johnny and I laughed at that.

"We did this." He smiled running his pinky finger over her small forehead.

"Yeah we did." I nodded as her tiny little fingers wrapped around mine.

"Any idea on names?" The nurse asked walking over to us, Johnny looked to me and nodded.

"Shay Elizabeth Gaudreau." He told smiling at me and then moved his gaze to our baby girl.

"Hello Shay." I grinned as her eyes looked into mine. The nurse came and gone, checking everything is OK with Shay and then left us alone for a little bit.

"I love you Y/N." Johnny said as he now held Shay in his arms, he sat beside me on the bed with his legs tangled in mine.

"I love you too Johnny." I smiled leaning my head on his shoulder, my eyes on Shay's tiny body in her father's arms.

"And I love her too."

A/N: Omg the ending was horrible I apologize! Anyways I have a thought, would you guys like a part 2 of the Leon Draisaitl imagine I recently wrote? I feel like writing one but I'm not too sure.


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