#143 - Hampus Lindholm - #47 Anaheim Ducks

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The sunny streets of Anaheim were busy as many of the people who walked them are tourists visiting the sun filled city, just like myself. As a pre graduation present for myself I made the trip from Vancouver down to Anaheim alone, but as I now know that was a silly idea to come to city I have never been too all alone. Knowing absolutely no body didn't help my case nor was having most of my belongings stolen from me on my first night.

I walked down the street, map in hand as I looked around at my surrounding none of it seeming familiar. I sighed and put my head back in the map again, my eyes scanning across it to understand where I am but alas I did not know where I am. I sighed and turned around to head the way I came, but only I found myself on the pavement drenched in someones cold drink. 

"Oh, yuck!" I cried looking to my hands and then to my soaked through shirt.

"Oh my, I am so sorry for that! Please forgive me." The person who's drink is now all over me said in an alarmed voice. I shook my head and started to rise off the hard ground, an arm wrapped around my torso and helped me up. My chest hit against the male's in front of me, our chests pushing against each others, and I looked up to find he is staring at me.

"I am really sorry about that." I muttered in embarrassment. I stepped back from the extremely pretty male and brushed myself down.

"No, don't be. I should be the one apologizing, my drink is all over you and I ruined your shirt." The male replied with an accent. Instantly I spoke without a thought.

"You aren't from here, are you?" I asked far too quickly to stop myself. The male laughed at what I said and took it in his stride.

"Nor are you. Further north, over the boarder, am I right?" He smiled cheekily at me like he found out my big secret.

"Correct, and I guess you're European, somewhere near Scandinavia?" I said more as a question than a statement. The male kept his smile on his lips and nodded, I grinned when he did that.


"I don't think I have heard of a country named Hampus before." The male in front of my laughed loud at what I said and shook his head, a smile never leaving his lips.

"It's my name, Hampus is my name." When those words left his mouth I mentally faced palmed myself. How could I have been so stupid to think his name was a country?

"Oh, I'm just embarrassing myself even more now. I am sorry, your name is unique that's why I thought it was a country." I chuckled at myself. Hampus smiled at me.

"And what's your name?" He asked gesturing to me.

"Ah, Y/N." I said giving a nod when I remembered my name correctly. 

"Pretty name. Y/N, I like it." Hampus smiled, nodding to himself when he said my name. 

"Right well, I must be going. It was nice meeting you and again, I am sorry that I bumped into you." I said quickly when the awkward silence wrapped around us. Hampus eyes looked up in fright and it looked like he mentally fought with himself before finally agreeing with whatever he was thinking.

"Y/N, would you like to go out with me sometime? As a repayment for me spilling my drink all over you." Hampus ushered out, but I caught every word. I froze in my spot, did he just ask me out? I didn't know how long I stared at Hampus until he waved in my face, I blinked a few times before I stared at Hampus, he kept his gaze on me and looked at me with much anticipation, I blushed and looked away in embarrassment.

"Yes, I would like to go out with you sometime." I replied smiling as I said it. Hampus let out a breath before smiling down at me, his grin making my smile grow.

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