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Brother/sister imagine:

At first we didn't know what it was or what was happening to me, we didn't know just how much it would come to affect me. I thought I was just over whelmed seeing as I had just started university but then things only got worse for me. There were days where I couldn't get out of bed with the pain I had, I would get horrible rashes and the headaches were just horrid. And then it all disappeared, I thought I just got a touch of a bad flu but I was way off.

Whatever I had came back and it was worse than before. I began losing my hair, ulcers began forming in my mouth, and there were days were getting out of bed just seemed impossible. It was when I started to bleed when I was at the toilet did it register with me that whatever this is, is serious enough that I could die from it.

Tests after tests were done on me and finally we're getting an answer today. I sit beside Andre who is just as nervous as I am, I can see it as he fidgets with his hands. I wouldn't say I'm nervous, I am but not as much as I should be. I'm just focused on finding out what is wrong with me, I can't keep living like this without knowing what is happening to me. 

"My leg is going numb." I mutter to Andre. He turns to me worriedly, he drops to his knees and looks at me with fear in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks with worry in his tone, his hands are placed gently on my knees.

"Stop bouncing your leg, it's rubbing against mine and making it numb." I tell as the corner of my lips curl into a smile. Andre rolls his eyes and sits back beside me, his arm going across the back of my chair.

"I thought something was seriously wrong." He sighs and crosses his leg over the other.

"There was, your leg is seriously annoying me." I say with a nod of my head. 

"Weren't you told to stop speaking?" Andre counters with a raised eyebrow. I sigh and sit back, my doctor told me to reduce my talking to only when necessary in case the mouth ulcers burst, disgusting right? 

"I'm talking so I don't have to listen to you speak" I grumble to my brother. 

"Jag älskar dig också syster.(I love you too sister.)" Andre mumbles sarcastically in our native language. I roll my eyes and say nothing back to him, I can feel my body getting weak just sitting here waiting for the results. 

It's five minutes later and I'm called into the room by my doctor. I turn to Andre with my face growing in fear, I don't want to go and hear the news all by myself. He nods in understanding and follows behind me, our parents weren't able to come today so Andre decided to come with me so I wasn't alone. The doctor sits behind her desk, her eyes are focused on a file that sits on her desk. 

"Please, take a seat." She says and gestures to the two chairs in front of her. I sit down, my body shaking with fear and anxiety as I wait for the results of my tests. I guess I've been holding back my fear and worry for so long that it's coming out all at once.

"What would you like to hear? The good news or the bad news?" The doctor asks when Andre and I are seated in front of her. I turn to my brother, fear filling to every inch of my body and I turn back around to face my doctor.

"Bad first." I whisper out and grab a hold of my brother's hands. I grasp them tightly when the doctor nods and looks down to the file. 

She sighs and opens up the file. "The horrid news is that you have a chronic autoimmune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus, or simply known as lupus. Lupus is a disease where your immune system becomes hyperactive and starts attacking your healthy tissue thinking that it's foreign tissue, and it is a disease that you are going to have the rest of your life."

HOCKEY IMAGINES [ UNEDITED ]Where stories live. Discover now