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"Will we ever see each other again?" I asked as Mitch and I Skype, something we have been doing for almost two years. Mitch ran his hand through his hair and looked at me with doubtful eyes, seeing those eyes pulled on my heart strings.

"Yeah, one day." He nodded his voice dripping with uncertainty. I sighed and lent back into my chair. Having a long distance relationship is hard especially when we hardly see each other as it is because of our schedules, and with Mitch hopefully playing in the NHL next year, it is going to be even more difficult for us to continue our relationship. 

Mitch and I have been friends since childhood. How we met is your typical 'the best friend from next door' story, we were literally next door neighbours growing up. We grew up playing hockey together, going to school together, hanging out together, the things you normally do with your best friend. Then Mitch asked me out when we were fifteen years old and everything was fine between us until my dad's job sent him out to Vancouver when I was in grade eleven, it was hard on both of us but we've made it work to this day. And I'm thankful each day knowing I have the best boyfriend in the world.

"I think you mean in a hundred years." I chucked slowly hoping to lighten the mood, but it only made our situation worse.

"You should come live with me, you're old enough to and besides you are going to York in September! That's in Toronto, we'll finally be together again when you come here. I've been told I have a 90% chance of playing with the first team in September so this just works out well for us." Mitch said excitedly his eyes lighting up at his thought of us being together in the same city again, but it only brought tears to my eyes. I told Mitch that I got accepted into York University and he got so excited because he thought it was York in Toronto, but it's York in England and I can't bring myself to tell him that I'm going aboard for university at my parents request that is.

"Yeah Mitch, I can't wait." I smiled weakly trying my hardest not to cry in front of him.

"And you can come to all my home games which will be so cool! And I can walk you to your classes when I'm not training or away on road trips." He exclaimed naming off all the things we can do together if I were to go to York in Toronto, I nodded darting my eyes to the ground unable to look at Mitch in the eyes despite it being over the laptop.

"We won't have to worry about time zones anymore because we'll be together again." Mitch smiled his eyes brimming with so much hope, the happiness I know I am going to destroy now.

"Mitch, we gotta talk." I said finally looking up at him through the camera, Mitch stopped talking and stared at me with his large blue eyes.

"Yeah, sure Y/N." He nodded his face now drowning in worry instead of the happiness it once was and it's all my fault.

"Mitch I'm going to York in England, not the one that's in Toronto." I sighed watching Mitch's face turn from worry in to disbelief, again all down to my doing.

"What?" He whispered out, still not believing what I just said.

"I'm going to York University in England, I got accepted there." I told trying my hardest not to cry but it didn't work, a single tear fell from my right eye and rolled down my cheek as I looked at Mitch from my place in Vancouver over the camera as he sits in his home in Toronto. Mitch said nothing, just staring at me with so much hatred in his eyes.

"When were you going to tell me this? You couldn't have at least had the decency to tell me that it is the one in England and not Toronto like I have been believing for the past few weeks!" Mitch yelled and I knew I hit a sore point in our relationship. 

"I'm sorry Mitch, you just got so excited that I want to ruin your happiness." I protested throwing my hands to my head and rested my head against them.

"Yeah well, how's that working for you?" He said almost evilly at me, I raised my head and looked at him in disbelief. He has gone from being this loving person into this evil person now all because I couldn't bring myself to tell him I'm not going to the York university in Toronto.

"OK Mitch, no need to be so mean about it. I just didn't want you to be like how you are right now when I told you!" I said protesting my case.

"You know Y/N if you want to break up with me then that's fine, you don't need to lie about not wanting to be in a relationship with me." Mitch said calmly showing no emotion at all.

"I'm not trying to break up with you! This has nothing to do with our relationship Mitchell! This has to do with me going to a university and getting a good job once I leave with a degree." I shouted finally breaking.

"Well Y/N it sure as hell looks like that! It honestly feels like you are wanting to break up with me." Mitch shouted his eyes wide and his hands flying, reaching my boiling point I shouted back at him.

"You want me to break up with you? Fine! We are finished! Good luck with your life Mitchell." I clicked the end button on Skype and slammed my laptop closed, finally letting my tears fall and when the started they didn't stop.

A/N: Would you guys like a part 2 of this? Because I'd be glad to write one.


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