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Your PoV:

After leaving Ryan's hotel room, I crossed the street towards the church. I know I shouldn't be sat here after confessing my love to Ryan, but I have to be there for my best friend and watch him marry his love. I slip into my place at the back of the church when I got there, and soon the church begins to fill with the couples friends and family.

Ryan soon makes his way up the aisle and stands at the altar, Derek stands beside him as the two converse as Ryan awaits his soon to be wife.

I let a sigh leave me as I picture myself up there beside him. I see myself wearing a beautiful silk white dress that flows straight down my body and trails out at the bottom, my hair is styled perfectly with a gorgeous lace veil covering the back of my hair. Ryan smiling down at me as he slips the wedding ring onto my finger, his lips touching mine when the priest pronounces of man and wife. It is everything that I ever dreamed off, everything I want came true.

My dream is short lived when the music begins and I am pulled back into the real world, back into the real reality that I live. There is no Ryan at my side, there is no perfect wedding. There is nothing in my life happening that happened in my dream. But I so wish that it was true.

The church doors open and in walks Ryan's soon to be wife, she makes her way up to him in the most beautiful dress ever. Everything about her makes me want to be her, her dark silky hair, perfect skin and teeth. She is everyone's dream goals, and now she has the perfect man to go with that. She has the whole package and I can't help but be jealous that she is marrying my best friend.

Ryan smiles at her and takes her hand, but something is off about him. He smiled a fake smile to her, one I have seen one to many times and can easily pick out from his genuine smile. Why would he do that? He wouldn't do that on his wedding day, not when he is about to marry the girl of his dreams. Why did he smile a fake smile?

I sit at the back of church trying my hardest not to cry at the scene unfolding in front of me. It sounds selfish that I want Ryan all to myself, but when you've been friends with someone for almost five years, when you have been with that person through thick and thin, when you have been there for that friend when no one ever was. That is something you want to keep to yourself and that person, and now with Ryan getting married this very second, everything we had is now crumbling in front of us.

I am knocked away from my thoughts when the priest begins to recite the traditional vows to the two who he is marrying. It is Brandi who goes first and says I do to Ryan, he shuffled uncomfortably at her saying those words and gives a tiny shake of his head that I pick up. Then it turns to Ryan's time to recite the vows, he turns his head and his eyes roam the seats until his eyes find mine. I give him an encouraging smile and he returns it, I start to stand up from my spot at the back in hopes to slip away from the ceremony. My heart won't be able to take him saying I do to Brandi, I would die of a broken heart if I stay any longer.

"Mr. McDonagh?" The priest says trying to get Ryan's attention. Ryan turns back to Brandi and the priest before a sad look crosses his face. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head.

"I can't, I'm sorry." He tells letting go of Brandi's hands. The people sitting before them gasp and whisper many things speculating why he said no, he steps down from the altar and pats Derek's back who smiles at him.

"I love you Brandi, but just not as much as I thought I do. I am sorry for leading you on this wild ride, I am sorry for everyone coming out today and spending money on us. But I can't marry you and I think you have known that for a while, I think you just said yes to spare me the pity of saying no in front of everybody." Ryan sighs moving back over to Brandi. She looks at him without a trace of hurt or pain anywhere on her, she looks at him with a sort of relief.

"I know you have loved her for a long time, far too long. I just didn't think you would go to the extent of asking me to marry you, I am not hurt or betrayed because I understand." Brandi says taking Ryan's hand into hers and I stop to watch what is happening. What the heck is happening here? A minute ago Ryan was about to get married and here he stands confessing his love to another woman, how could I not see that?

"I am sorry for dragging you along in this stupid ride, I couldn't confess my feelings when I had the chance because I am coward. But now I have the courage to do it." Ryan smiles placing a kiss on Brandi's cheek and then turns around. His gaze lands on me and smiles widely, he takes a step down and starts moving towards me.

"What?" I ask in a silent voice as he stops in front of me.

"I love you too." He says before pressing his lips against mine. I ignore the gasps, wordless whispers, and the cheers from what sounds like Ryan's teammates, and I continue to kiss Ryan like my life depends on it. He breaks away and leans his forward on mine, his hand cups my cheek and gently rubs his thumb on it.

"Four years, huh?" He chuckles and I roll my eyes at him.

"Four years we have to make up for." I say kissing the hand that rests on my cheek.

"Better start now." Ryan tells grabbing my hand and together we run out of the church. I laugh loudly as we rush towards his car, he straps me in before we drive off towards the future we will have together and not caring about anybody else but each other.

A/N: Apologies for mistakes, tired and I am too lazy to reread through to see if there are mistakes.


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