#138 - T.J. Oshie #77 Washington Capitals: Part Two

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"We broke up." I sobbed into Brandi's shoulder. She let out a sigh and continued to sooth my crying figure.

"Oh honey, let's get you inside." She said helping me out of the car. I leaned against her shoulder, my tears still falling at an uncontrollable pace, and we walked into her house. Braden sat on the couch and instantly rushed over to us, he looked to Brandi and she shook her head.

"Y/N's going to be staying with us for a while, can you make her some tea please?" Brandi asked her husband. He nodded at her words and walked off to their kitchen, Brandi continued walking with my tired figure moving along with her. She entered into a spare bedroom and sat us down against the mattress.

"Does T.J. know you're pregnant with his child?" Brandi asked getting the hard question out first.

"Yes." I nodded. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

"And that's why you broke up?" I nodded again, tears running down my cheeks.

"He said he isn't ready to be a father and kicked me out. I'm not ready to be a mother, he can easily walk away from this all, but I can't. I have a human being growing inside of me who deserves a chance at life, I can't give that up for anything." I cried. Brandi rushed to my side and wrapped an arm over my shoulder, she pulled me close to her and I cried hard. 

"Oh honey, we're gonna work through this together OK? You can stay here as long as you like and I am going to be here throughout the whole pregnancy, you aren't going to be alone." 

_ _ _ _ 

T.J.'s PoV:

The house is quiet. So quiet I can hear myself think and that is something that I wish I wouldn't be able to hear at this moment in time.

Why didn't I stop her? 

Why didn't I jump up, wrap my arms around her and tell her that she isn't leaving?

I am going to be a father and I just let the love of my life walk away from me with my child growing inside of her. How could I have been so stupid to say such things?

Am I scared to become a father? Yes.

Am I idiot to let Y/N leave in the state she is in? Yes.

Am I ready to look after another human who is my blood? I won't know until I hold my child in my arms for the first time, and to be able to do that I need Y/N back.

I let out a frustrated sigh and leaned my head back against the couch, my hands over my eyes and soon tears fell.

I love Y/N, I love her more than words can comprehend and now she has walked out of my life at my own doing. 

Wiping the tears away from my cheeks, I stood up and made my way towards the front door. I hauled it opened and grabbed the car keys before exiting the house. Knowing the one place where Y/N would have gone, I made my way to the Holtby's house.

_ _ _ _ _

Normal PoV:

I curled up in a ball on the bed, the hot cup of tea that Braden made rested against the bed side table untouched. I cried myself dry, no tears fell but the urge to continued. My body felt numb, my thoughts seemed only to evolve around one thing, I'm pregnant and alone. The idea of being a single mother scares me, how can I survive? How can I survive being alone?

I took a deep in take of breath and released it, each time I breathed I felt as if I were to start crying again, but as each time passed my tears never fell.

The door to the room knocked and in peaked Brandi's head, she smiled softly at the sight of my figure. She shuffled into the room and sat down beside me, her hand making its way onto my shoulder and rested it there in a comforting gesture.

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