#102 - Colton Parayko - #55 St. Louis Blues: Part One

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I don't know how long I sat against the wall in my shower staring at the test between my hands, the plus sign stared back at me menacingly and it made me terrified. How could this have happened? We've made sure each time we were protected, apart from that one time. We had been out drinking with the team and we both got drunk out of our wits, we came home and from there it became a blur but I knew Colton and I done it.

I stood up my back still against the wall and I pulled out my phone, I need to tell someone. I couldn't call my mother, she'll be so disappointed in me and the thought of that made me hate myself even more. I couldn't call my friend, she was away on a trip with her boyfriend and I shouldn't interrupt her. My only source of telling someone is Colton himself and so I did, I pulled up his contact and hit the call button.

"Hey Y/N." He answered with a cheery tone, it made me feel awful ruining his happiness.

"Hey, Col. Do you think you could come over whenever you're finished?" I asked looking down at the pregnancy test in my hand, I curled my fingers around it tightly and looked away as tears brimmed my eyes.

"Yeah I can come over now, are you OK Y/N?" Colton said sounding more worried than happy now, it made me want to empty my stomach contents everywhere.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine There's something I need to tell you." I told, my legs feeling like jelly at the thought of telling him.

"OK, I'll be there in ten minutes." Colton informed. We said goodbye and hung up, I put my phone back in my pocket as my whole body began to feel numb with the thoughts that clouded my mind. Colton and I aren't that serious, six months together and already I'm pregnant with his child. Will he hate me? What if he breaks up with me and leaves me alone with our child? I'm not ready to be a mother nor am I sure he isn't ready to be a father either, it's a mess, one big giant mess that involves the life of a child. I couldn't get give it up, I couldn't let myself do that to a child that is yet to live.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed until Colton came, I had contemplated on calling my friend but I still kept saying no, I didn't want to ruin her time with her boyfriend. The door to my apartment knocked and I got up to open it, as I did Colton brushed in and I found myself wrapped in his arms instantly.

"You sounded worried on the phone, whatever is going I'll be here with you." Colton told his arms tightening, his head resting on top of mine. I stood there with my arms wrapped around his waist, my head against his chest as I held tightly onto him. Tears rushed from eyes and made there way down my cheeks, some staining Colton's shirt.

"Hey, hey. Calm down baby." Colton soothed running his hand up and down my back, he pulled away and held my head in his hands.

"Can you tell me what's wrong please, I'm worrying too much." He asked brushing away the tears that fell, his posture screamed worry.

"Yeah." I nodded taking hold of his hand and brought him over to the couch, I sat down and Colton sat beside me his hand still placed in mine. I thought of many ways to tell him, each time I thought of a scenario they all turned out with him leaving me.

I took a deep breath before speaking up. "That night we went out with the team and got really drunk, remember?"

Colton nodded.

"Do you remember anything from that night?" I asked playing my fingers.

"Just that we got really drunk an-" Colton trailed off when he caught on, his eyes went wide and his hand dropped mine. I wanted to cry at his reaction, shocked wouldn't be the word, more petrified at the thought of him having a child to worry about along with many other things.

"I know we have't been dating that long Colton, if you want to break up with me then go ahead but I just want you to know that I am keeping the baby." I told after minutes of silence between us, Colton blinked a few times before turning to me.

"Why would I break up with you? I wouldn't dream of that." Colton said.

"I just thought, you know, that because I'm carrying your child and we've only been together six mont-"

"Y/N I'm terrified, I'm scared I'm really scared. I'm not ready to be a father I can hardly take care of myself, how can I take care of a child? But this doesn't mean that I won't be here for you, this is my child you're carrying and I want to be with you throughout it all. And who cares if we haven't been dating long enough, all I know is that I want to be with you and if that means marrying you now I will go through with it because I wouldn't have another person in my life than you." Colton told laying a hand on mine.

"I don't want you to think that this child means you have to commit yourself to me. Things aren't exactly how I planned my life to go, what about my schooling? I'm not even half way through it and I'm going to have to give it up for this. What about hockey? You've worked so hard for it, I don't want this to stop you from doing what you love." I said looking into Colton's blue eyes.

"We're in this together, this is our problem and we're going to fix it. Keeping the baby means that we're in this, no backing down. I'll be here with you Y/N, don't you worry." Colton affirmed running his thumb on the back of my hand.

"What if I turn out to be a horrible mother? What if our child hates me?" I said worriedly, Colton gave a slight laugh.

"Y/N, you're going to be a perfect mother, don't worry. Everything is going to be fine between us, everything will be good." Colton told leaning over a pressed his lips against my forehead. "Everything is going to be great."

A/N: I have been working so hard on my sociology questions that I needed a break so I wrote this, it is unedited and is probably horrible so I do apologize.


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